Does anyone know when we will hear from ucsd ?

<p>I have heard that the next batch is going to come out tomorrow , do you guys think that is true. and also at what time do they release decisions? thanks guys !!!</p>

<p>I’m not sure when they are supposed to release decisions, as in what specific day, but I have been notified that they will release them this week (since it is the first week of April) ! Best of luck and don’t stress. If it was mid-April/end-April then yeah!</p>

<p>yeah ive been accepted to uci already with 3.1 gpa with political science major . What chances you think I have getting into ucsd , I also have my igetc done.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as you.
Similar GPA and Poli Sci Major waiting to hear from UCSD. I have TAG for Winter 2010, but I am hoping get in for the fall quarter</p>

<p>yeah the thing is I couldnt do tag because I didnt have stats done before spring , I will have it done this semester. sucks i missed it by one semester , I better get in !!</p>

Wait…you didn’t do your TAG because you didn’t have Statistics completed? </p>

<p>I did the TAG for UCD and I’m taking Statistics right now and my TAG got approved and I already got accepted to UCD. </p>

<p>On the opposite end, I didn’t do the TAG for UCSD, have two of THEIR specific pre-reqs (for psychology) and already got accepted. In any matter, good luck!^^</p>

<p>Yeah I couldn’t have TAG for UCSD for Fall ‘09 because I was missing Critical Thinking and Stats. In order to have TAG for fall I had to have IGETC completed by the end of Fall’ 08. I am taking both this semester, so I have TAG for Jan '10, but my counselor told me to go ahead and apply for Fall 09. I am keeping my fingers crossed still.</p>

<p>i dont think stats is part of igetc?</p>

<p>jmartin, i have the same major and stats as u. i hope i get in too!!</p>

<p>Statistics is a part of the IGETC. I know…:/</p>

<p>stats is part of IGETC? i thought to fullfill IGETC it was just a math class listed under that specific section and there was like 10 to choose from that needed to be taken to complete that area.</p>

<p>That’s weird, I know that you need the certain GPA requirement for fall 08 in order to do the TAG. But you had to of had all your classes completed by the time spring semester is over.</p>

<p>wow same here. 3.1 philosophy major. no tag.</p>

<p>I’ve been accepted to UCI so far, waiting on UCSD.</p>

<p>Good luck fellow 3.1’ers!</p>

<p>Well for tag 2009 you need statistics or any high math done prior to spring semester therfore I couldnt do tag since I am finishing stats this semester. Heres a question. I choose tag ojon my app for ucsd and even though I didnt have my math done can they accept me for winter even though I didnt choose winter quarter . </p>

<p>get back at me guys!!</p>

<p>Yes Stats is part of the IGETC. What I meant was that it was an option that you could take on the IGETC. I have already taken higher-level Calculus but I’m a Psychology major, so I have to take Stats regardless…so I took it for the IGETC completion and major requirements.</p>

<p>@ jmartin949…I’m not really sure what you’re asking. You’re asking to be admitted for Winter even though you applied for Fall? If that’s the case…then no…lol. && I’m not sure how your CC worked with you, but my counselor told me that as long as I get my Stats class by the end of SPRING (this semester) I could still apply for the TAG…and it worked because I got admitted to UCD with TAG.</p>

<p>you need igetc done by spring not fall for TAG.</p>

<p>“Full completion of IGETC is required. UCSD must receive your IGETC certification form by July 15, 2009, for Fall Quarter 2009 (IGETC completed by end of Spring 2009)”</p>

<p>[Transfer</a> Admission Guarantee (TAG) 2009-2010](<a href=“]Transfer”></p>

<p>What are my chances into ucsd for fall 2009 ( Political science) Transfer student </p>

<p>Mexican if that helps !!!
200 hours of internship at law firm.
3.1 gpa
Work 20-25 hours a week.
have all classes completed (igetc).
I greatly improved my grades from very first semester (2007 fall) which I had a 2.3 then greatly improved to a 3.1
Both essays are good.
Not TAG certified because I didnt have math done.</p>

<p>damn, you guys scared me for a bit. I was like “oh no i didn’t take stats!”</p>

<p>But I took calc so I’m good!</p>

<p>so, just to clarify, if you completed your IGETC, youre guaranteed admission, right??</p>

Sorry, but that is not the case. I wish it was that easy! ;P</p>