Does EA at U of Miami make a difference for scholarships

<p>My D is considering applying to U of Miami EA, but is also interested in another more competitive university that only allows single choice EA for private schools (no limit on public universities). Do you know if U of Miami gives a preference for scholarships to EA applicants?</p>

<p>I think there is an advantage to applying EA for scholarships, especially if your D is an especially strong candidate. If she is hoping for one of the top scholarships (Singer or Stamps), applying EA helps. At least for the past 2 years, the full ride plus Stamps Scholarship is only given to EA applicants. I believe the majority of Singer scholars were also given to EA applicants. I think you probably need to talk with your D…if her heart is set on a top ranked school (and you either will qualify for FA or you can pay full freight), then she might want to go ahead and apply SCEA. If, however, merit money is needed/wanted, she would be better off applying EA to Miami instead (and there are lots of other EA schools that are not single choice, albeit not most of the top ranked schools). Good luck!</p>

<p>I was pretty sure that you have to apply ED or EA in order to be potentially invited for Singer/Stamps, because those weekends are held in March, whereas RD decisions don’t come out until April. So if you apply RD, you won’t be considered for Singer/Stamps.</p>

<p>You do have to have your appication in before the EA deadline to be considered for all scholarships at Miami. Never heard of a limit for EA, only ED since you are committing to that school. I have heard when you ED you get very little scholarship money. Friend of my son’s applied ED to Syracuse and they gave her nothing while my son applied regular admission and they offered him a nice scholarship. Similar student type.</p>


Some schools have a restrictive early action policy wherein you are asked to only apply early action to one school.</p>

<p>**My understanding of the Singer/Stamps scholarship eligibility is the same as dumbo11’s - it’s advantageous to apply EA since two out of the three scholarship weekend competitions are for EA applicants only. </p>

<p>The third scholarship weekend, however, is for regular decision applicants. That’s how the last two cycles worked anyway, no guarantees for this year! </p>

<p>For the last two cycles, EA applicants invited to the first weekend were competing for the Stamps (as dumbo11 said - full ride +) or the Singer (full tuition); those invited to the 2nd weekend were EA applicants competing for the Singer, while those invited to the 3rd weekend were RD applicants competing for the Singer. </p>

<p>Seekinguni - I know you’ve posted this in the past also:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>but from everything I’ve read and experienced with ILD93 who, like dumbo’s D, was lucky enough to receive the Stamps, Dumbo11’s info and advice is right on the money : )**</p>