Does this mean I'm likely accepted ED?

<p>my school is on a 20 week system. 5, 10, and 15 week grades are simply progress reports; they arent final. the 15 week progress report is the most recent copy of my grades (tho they aren’t final yet); however, those grades are what my counselor gave to columbia. </p>

<p>“axel, am i deferred then? (given i had 4 a’s, 3 b’s)” <– can someone please answer )P:</p>

<p>“axel, am i deferred then? (given i had 4 a’s, 3 b’s)”</p>

<p>i dunno! as i tried to emphasize, everything i say is largely inferred from a bunch of not-necessarily-connected info. what i say may be logical, but as you know the college admissions process can be everything but logical, at least outwardly. they could, for instance, only be asking for first-quarter grades to check on your current academic status, and as long as it’s not too bad they will accept you. on the other hand, you could be on the edge, but your current grades push you over the edge in the wrong direction. the basic questions are: what kind of applicants do they ask for first quarter grades from, and what kind of applicants do they defer. the answers to these questions aren’t as obvious as they may seem, and i know neither of them.</p>

<p>bumpin this
for people who got their 2nd quarter grades checked…did you guys end up getting in or deferred or rejected?</p>

<p>^ My counselor got a call for my grades a week before decisions. I got in.</p>

<p>did you have straight As at the time?</p>

<p>no i had 3 b’s. i’m a senior, lol xP</p>

<p>LOL breakdown high five!
haha i remember when you were all worrying and stuff asking people if 3 b’s meant that you were “rejected” haha. nice job man. you in the college or engineering? (im in the college :D)</p>

<p>i’m in engineeringggg. good job collegeftw!!! i remember you were also really worried, so i’m glad you got in too!</p>