dont really know anything about fsu, applied for transfer though.

<p>I applied for transfer and sent my transcripts the other day, i have a 3.76 college gpa with greater than 60 credits....but this semester doesnt seem to be turning out well so it may lower down to 3.6</p>

<p>applied for summer, instate applicant</p>

<p>will fsu accept me with a gpa like that? and when can I expect a decision? (the deadline is march 1)</p>

<p>Community College transfers receive preference. Your grades look good. Limited access majors have specific requirements and prerequisites for admittance. What is your major?</p>

<p>mathematics, should be under liberal arts and science college in most schools</p>

<p>Good luck on the transfer. My son loves FSU & Tallahassee.</p>

<p>What do you want to study?</p>

<p>If you mean specifically in mathematics… financial mathematics, possibly actuarial (additionally I just found out that FSU actually offers a major in of itself called actuarial science, but still I would rather complete a proper math degree)</p>

<p>My only concern would be if you are coming from a university instead of community college. I think with your grades, you should have no problem being admitted for summer but with cut backs, it is hard to say.</p>