Dorm assignments

<p>My daughter has been anxiously awaiting news of her dorm assignment and roommate information. I made the mistake of telling her another list member's son received his on Monday, so now she's glued to the mailbox. She has decided that she does not want to live in Stewart, the dorm she put down as her 3rd choice, because she heard a rumor that students in Stewart are not very social. (Stewart is, I believe, a substance free dorm.) I expect there is little truth to this rumor, but it's still in her head. I would love to hear from anyone with knowledge about Stewart. I'm sure that, wherever she ends up, she'll be fine.</p>

<p>Has anyone else received assignments?</p>

<p>Don’t stress about dorm assignments. You can make friends anywhere you end up. The reason Stewart is less social is because it is less accessible and smaller than the other residence halls. Most of the people in Stewart end up hanging out in different dorms.</p>

<p>I lived in Stewart last year (freshman year) and it was a great choice for me. It’s not the most social, I will admit that, but people DO get to know people. It was a wonderful choice as someone who did not partake in illicit behavior coming into college, because that was something I was nervous about. I was able to make friends who also weren’t super into those sorts of things. And even as I started making different choices second semester, it still gave me a quiet place to come back and focus away from craziness.</p>

<p>Also, Stewart is connected to Odell, which isn’t substance free and subsequently more social. I made a lot of friends between the two dorms, which is very common. </p>

<p>Stewart is small, but I think that helps meet people. Everyone goes to one central lounge, and you know you’re going to know people at community builders. </p>

<p>I loved living in Stewart, and I made lots of friends there. It was a great choice for me. I am living in Odell next year because I don’t want to worry about being kicked out of my dorm if I want to drink. But I’ve got friends living in Stewart and I’m sure I’ll still hang out and study there plenty :)</p>

<p>Plus, Stewart is super clean, smells good, and has the biggest freshman doubles on campus. And SUPER RAD walk in closets (which odell and akin have too, but still). </p>

<p>Your daughter shouldn’t worry about it if she gets in to Stewart, and if she absolutely hates it, she can negotiate a move. Or if she gets caught with alcohol or weed she’ll be forced to move out, but that’d cause a whole host of other problems!</p>

<p>Thanks so much, Kenzie! It turned out there is a single available in Platt, so she’s moving over, as Platt was her first choice. She’s an artist and very excited about being in a community of artistically minded people, having access to a dark room, and the Plateau. Not crazy about the single room, but can see some benefits there, too.</p>

<p>She went to an all girls, Catholic school, and her friend group there is pretty nerdy. I think she’s a little bit ready to break out of the “good girl” mold and that’s another reason she didn’t want to be in Stewart.</p>

<p>I can understand her reasons for not wanting to live in Stewart, those are the same reasons I’m not living there a second year :)</p>

<p>Platt West is the most run-down dorm on campus, but also the most vibrant community - we joke about it being the artist’s slums, like Rent with less heroin and AIDS :slight_smile: If she’s on the first floor, be warned that it sometimes floods during the winter. But she’ll have tons of fun there, it’s super social and a single won’t stop her from making friends. It’s pretty much all freshmen, too, which means everyone is looking to meet people. And the platteau is one of my favorite places on campus, that’s where improv meets so I’ve spent lots of time in Platt!</p>