Dorm choice for science major

<p>I'm a freshman and I want to do Pre-pharmacy but I was wondering what are the closest dorms to the science department since I'll be taking classes like biology and chemistry. Is there anyone that's doing pre-pharmacy at all, and if so, what are some tips and what do you think about the teachers?</p>


<p>Chemistry class is easier to determine since they are always in the Chemistry building and Flint 105/50. Murphree area dorms are less than a min away from those classes. Biology classes are more varied. They can be in McCarty or Little hall. Broward and RYMAC area is closest to Little. Murphree and Broward/RYMAC are equidistant to McCarty, I think. Also bio labs are in Barr/Carr Hall. </p>

<p>It better to ask about professors when you know who is teach that semester. Different ones teach per semester.</p>

<p>Just to add, walking is not that bad so it really which you like. Like biochemistry is at Shands, which is closer to Jennings and physics is close to hume/graham area.</p>