Dorms for freshman

<p>My son was just accepted at UA for the freshman class of 2009 and is very excited about attending. He wants to request a dorm, but since we’re from out of state we don’t know anything about the different dorms. I think he’d like something social and friendly and close to the center of campus. Does anyone have any advice or recommendations about how to choose a dorm? Thanks!</p>

<p>Here's last year's <a href=""&gt;;/a> thread.</p>

<p>Re U of A dorms: We wish we had known this earlier ( by reading sites such as this one!) When the students say that Coronado and Arizona-Sonora are party dorms, they mean it. Our daughter moved out as soon as she could. She is in the all-girl Maricopa now ( which won't help you son in choosing a dorm, I'm afraid) and loves it. You might want to check out the dorms on either side of Maricopa --they are in the central, beautiful part of the campus (historic buildings that are rennovated inside, mature trees, large lawns, convenient to classes) and quiet. Choosing a dorm involves a lot of variables, but simply from a parent's perspective ( i.e. if you figure your child is at college to do well in school)--avoid the party dorms.</p>

<p>The UA website has a campus map where the residence halls are highlighted. Try to find that PDF document on their website and print it out while making your decision. I'm sure you know there are descriptions, photos, and virtual tours of all the residence halls on UA's website as well.</p>

<p>Our D's college adviser from UA told her that -- generally speaking, the larger the dorm, the noisier, more party atmosphere. There will be a party-like atmosphere in most every dorm, but definitely stay away from the notorious dorms known for a heavy party lifestyle and make sure they are NOT in his top 5 choices. Also make sure he gets his top choices in to UA together with his financial deposit as soon as possible so he has the best choice of his top 5. Students very late in getting in their top 5 may well not even get their top 5. However, do take the time to give it very careful consideration. </p>

<p>Look at the number of students in each dorm, as the smaller dorms will be less rowdy. The older dorms (age of dorms and any renovations are listed on the UA residence hall website) are also listed, and the older dorms have slightly larger rooms. Perhaps he wants a newer dorm and doesn't mind a slightly smaller room.</p>

<p>As for location, please try to find that PDF format UA campus map online that highlights the residence halls. Good luck!</p>

<p>P.S. I just found the campus map highlighting ONLY the residence halls in relation to the rest of the campus. If this link doesn't work, try going to to UA Residence Life web page and you'll find the map link near the bottom of the page. Hope this works:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Carbonbeach, are the 5 requested dorms considered to be in preference order? They just said choose 5 on the app. Not sure?</p>

<p>Sopranodad819 -- Hi. I would assume the top 5 are in preference order, but couldn't guarantee that. Res Life at UA will confirm that for you, I'm sure. I do know one thing.....the UA college rep for our D's high school heavily emphasized the need to get the housing materials filled out ASAP (that night, even in early October) with accompanying payment. They're time-stamped, so when time comes around for the computers to match up dorms, it all comes down to time, down to the minute. </p>

<p>Has everyone been able to access the map of the residence halls? It's very helpful. </p>

<p>You might also want to check out the Daily Wildcat newspaper online or the on campus police log on the UA website to see if there is more trouble in one dorm than another. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks CB, Do you know when the students find out their placement.</p>

<p>Hi SopranoDad -- I checked out the UA Residence Life web page and their FAQ and found this answer to your question:</p>

<p>"7. When will I receive my hall and roommate assignments?
It depends on the date we receive your completed housing application, the halls you selected, and where space is available. Hall assignments are mailed out periodically between February and the end of July. It includes instructions on how to secure your housing. You may check your assignment status at any time. Your roommate assignment is mailed in mid-July. It includes your hall address, room number, phone number and your roommate’s contact information. Roommate assignments are not available before mid-July."</p>

<p>You'll find many more interesting FAQs, tours, and info on UA's main Residence Life page:</p>

<p>Welcome</a> to Residence Life</p>

<p>A word of advice: Once you are sure you are attending, do not procrastinate. Send in the dorm deposit asap. From what I've heard, those who wait can end up with the dregs!</p>

<p>What are your top five choices? I'm thinking:
1. Colonia de la Paz
2. Coronado
3. Arizona Sonora
4. ???
5. ???</p>

<p>My D picked:
la paz

<p>I've got 2 questions about dorms at U. of A. The 3 in a row on Highland (VDP, Ciegna & ?) are they exactly the same or is there an advantage to any of the 3. If any students living there can comment, that would be helpful. I notice on the residential life website, it lists the rooms at VDP the same size as AZ-SO, but have always heard that AZ-SO rooms are much bigger. Is that a typo?</p>

<p>I have a lot of friends down at U of A right now, and I've been down to visit several times this year.</p>

<p>My favourite dorms that I have seen are definitely the Highland dorms (Villa del Puenta, Pueblo de la Cienga, Posada San Pedro, and Colonial de La Paz)</p>

<p>All of them are very similar, though I think La Paz has more variation in the actual rooms (soom are really spacious and nice while others are kind of cramped). There is a Highland Market where a lot of people go to eat, buy's open pretty late too. Also, the Highland dorms are very close to the stadium. Oh and PSP is one of the honors dorms if you guys didn't know.</p>

<p>I personally do not really like AZ-SO, and I haven't been to Coronado. AZ-SO smells like rotton pizza and buffalo wings everytime I go there, and I hear nothing but horror stories about Coronado.</p>

<p>I hear a lot of good things about Pima, these rooms have shared bathrooms with four people. The dorms are older, and I haven't been to see them yet...but I hear the community there is great. It is located a little bit further from the other dorms though.</p>

<p>Anyways, the rooms I applied for were:
1. la cienga (I like it better than the other highland dorms because it is so bright and colorful, I just love to atmosphere)
2. VDP (definitely has more of a southwestern vibe to it, very nice as well)
3. La Paz
4. PSP
5. Pima</p>

<p>If you guys have any other questions about rooms I'd be glad to ask around for you!</p>