Double Major plus Minor or Double/Triple Minor?

<p>I'm a workhorse, and I think I'm doing pretty well. I know admissions are going to be tight, but I think I'm pretty competitive for transfer (3.8 at Tulane, excellent LoRs (highest average in those three classes; every major paper to be highlighted), okay ECs (but expected, I'm only a freshman), and an average of 20 hours per semester).</p>

<p>My major would be Critical Studies/ 40 units.</p>

<p>But I'm thinking of taking on English (Creative Writing)/28 units, Neuroscience/ 20 units, and Jewish Studies/ 20 units. That's 108 units (a lucky number for me...), leaving 20 units of whatever, or perhaps another minor (Italian? That's only 16)...</p>

<p>I have at least 4-8 credits in each so far; 12 for English. I wanted to take all 10 Critical Studies classes at USC.</p>

<p>BTW, I'm Asian American and Catholic, but Jewish Studies is a really interesting subject that applies to a lot of things (e.g. American cultural identity, the beginning of the film industry, race relations, the Diaspora).</p>

<p>Too much? Normal? I'll change this plan right away?</p>

<p>I realize the Double Major plus minor is more traditional and there's some overlapping, but any of these might be a possibility.</p>

<p>I suggest you really need to study out the USC web site to see which of your classes may transfer for course credit. Also, there are required classes outside your major/minor which have to be taken at USC. Therefore, with all that you want to study, if you are accepted, it is possible that it will take you longer than 4 years and end up being very expensive. What is your long term plan and how will all of these minors impact what you want to do? You also might want to think about the fact that your junior year onwards tends to be off campus housing which is another expense.</p>

<p>I did scope out the requirements for all of them, and so far 100% of my credits can transfer. My USC counselor confirmed it since I changed my internships/service learning to academic classes. </p>

<p>The only GEs required are the science ones and the social issues one which fit into those majors/minors. Writ 340, obviously, fits into English.</p>

<p>Critical Studies 0/40
English 12/28
Neuroscience 6/20 (the science GEs fit here)
Jewish Studies 4/20
Italian 8/16</p>

<p>The Italian would be the first to go; just tacked on because it’s half way done. Jewish Studies is more of a “Why not?” Italy and Israel are places I’d like to go and perhaps study abroad. If nothing else, they’d increase the breadth and depth of Critical Studies. </p>

<p>Medical anthropology, ethics, and how its portrayed in film and lit is also a big deal for me, hence, neuroscience. And English is commonly linked to Critical Studies (even mentioned on both sites).</p>

<p>The long term goal is intellectual property law and film related, and the expenses are considerable. Just surveying the possibilities. I suffer “I wanna do everything!” syndrome.</p>