Dress Code for Convocation?

<p>Casual? What can I wear?</p>

<p>For Honors?</p>

<p>We asked the question during move in and we were told business casual.
S will hopefully wear a pair of Dockers and polo type of shirt with collar.</p>

<p>That should be fine. There will be some wearing ties and dress shirts and some wearing polos and khaki pants. Either way, he’s fine. :)</p>

<p>Daughter went to Honors Convocation a few days ago. Lots of stress over what to wear. As it turned out everything from shorts and polo to full business attire was worn. For freshman covocation it is probably a little more relaxed.</p>

<p>Daughter reports being over dressed for Honors Convication. She wore a cute summer dress from White House Black Market. However, did get a complement from Dr. Morgan so “worth it” in her words😃</p>

<p>My Colorado girl was concerned about dress in Alabama. She did leave her Berkenstocks home. The complement from Dr Morgan put her mind at ease</p>

<p>Fellows are required to wear Convo “dress attire” because they are being introduced. It’s a little late now but I always suggest over dressing than find out when you arrive that your under dressed. This is nothing unusual for my daughter because they had monthly Convocations at her high school. So I didn’t give a thought to ask her what she was planning to wear. However, I did ask her where it was being held. She replied, “Foster Auditorium…I think.”
Many Honors students will be at the Freshman Convo because several sororities were on retreat during Honors Convo.</p>

<p>My D did not wear a dress to her Honors Convo. I personally thought she should but didn’t say anything. (Do I get points for that, Slippy? Or do I lose point for even knowing what she was going to wear?! Actually, the only reason I know was because I asked for a pic of her suite in their dresses). </p>

<p>Anyway, she reported that she was dressed ‘nicer than most’. I think she had jeans and a nice top on. </p>

<p>Sniner, that sounds like high praise from Dr. Morgan! She seems like someone who would know a nice dress!</p>

<p>My daughter just returned from Freshmen Convocation. She and others were required to wear formal business attire because they serve as Justices for the Academic Honor Council, but she said there was a wide variety of dress among the freshmen who attended.</p>