Duke Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Believe it’d be difficult passing on Duke for sure.

Appreciate that. Thought my SAT was low for this year but explained the situation. My rural county was nearly the highest positive COVID rate in NC Difficult testing but did it sporadically. Believe they really listened in my letter of continued interest. Still in disbelief.


Ugh…that’s tough. Great profile.

Same here. Got into duke and am going to wake’s admit day tomorrow. What are you thinking?

Committed to U-Virginia today!


IMO it’s be difficult to pass on Duke. Career placement is very solid but these are great options. Wake known for rigor and Duke would be equally if not more but end of day for me Econ is stellar at Duke. Aid is exactly same so likely Duke but we have time. Congrats it was a tough cycle and many had WL etc very grateful.

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accepted CS major
1600 SAT superscore
4.0 UW/4.82 W
really unique EC’s


That’s really great to hear! Can you share what she did to get off the Duke waitlist and when it happened? Thanks so much!


rejected. even though i had one ivy acceptance, the rest were rejections and this one is only making it worse. life has no purpose. can’t take this anymore

Same here :frowning:

Got accepted into Harvard but Duke was my dream school. I’d give up anything to switch my acceptances. Life hasn’t been going well and this only made it worst.

I hope you are joking or just lacking self awareness. You have been accepted I presume to Cornell. What an amazing opportunity and achievement. You should be celebrating and embracing the opportunity.

You will likely face far worse adversity in life then having to “settle” on an Ivy League school.

Take a walk, Saturday night pull for UNC and go buy some Cornell swag and boots for Ithaca winters. Move on and be happy, you earned it!!


Rejection sucks and should not be sugar-coated. However, you should really feel blessed to have been selected for such a great institution. “Life has no purpose”??? You should put things in perspective. Keep your head high, and excel!


If you need help, please reach out to someone. A college acceptance or a well wish onto another great opportunity does not define you or your pathway.

If you are not joking and need someone to talk to, call the Suicide Prevention Hotline or chat online



You got into an Ivy! Congratulations! That is a major accomplishment to be celebrated! :partying_face:

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@mom2amazingkids - That’s amazing! Congratulations to your son!

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You never know how close you are when you’re deferred or WL. My D was deferred in 2020. Just devastated. She had dreamed of Duke for years. Once deferred only two weeks to write RD applications as you know and did as well. So stressful to do. She was accepted RD by Duke but also Princeton which was beyond her wildest dreams. She agonized over the decision for 30 days but ultimately chose Princeton. Congratulations on your admit off of defer. :heart: My son went to Duke and did a plus one masters in Pratt. He loved it there.


That’s a very kind post thank you.
I really placed the Duke deferral into the rejection category. The RD rejections from Tufts,Vandy then WL Emory, BC indicated the difficult application cycle. My dad actually opened the portal thur. eve simply to tie up loose ends so to speak,normally I’d open of course. He walked out simply handed me the IPad and fortunately the whole family was there watching a movie. It was absolutely unexpected. Got up the next morning for a Wake Forest admit day,which was the front runner before fri eve. Just wild how things occur with decisions. Thank you again.


All it takes is one, and they recognized your excellence!

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Thank you appreciate that a lot.

does anyone know the chance of being taken from the waitlist?

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