EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>seems like a lot of ppl got the singer invite...must be rly competitive to get it ?</p>

<p>Another day, still no ****ing letter. How are they planning on informing me of my decision by Feb 1st again?</p>

<p>Skybax, I totally agree...I live in Florida and no letter! Not a warm fuzzy feeling!</p>

<p>What is going on here? It seems as though only those who received the Singer invite and scholarship are the ones getting admission decisions. Has anyone received a "rejection" (the dreaded word) letter yet? I guess the old saying goes..."no news is good news?"....Sigh!#@~*</p>

<p>Well, most people on this board are (generally) at he top of their class. It makes sense that many on here would be getting a scholarship...</p>

<p>I did not mean it that way....it just seems that those may have been the first letters sent out and others will follow....just trying to make sense of it all....since EA notification date is tomorrow!</p>

<p>There have been what, 10-15 people at most who have responded here. Out of 20,000+ applicants.</p>

<p>no letter again today. and no pop-up.
:( they better put it online tomorrow then.</p>

<p>If there is no pop-up tomorrow then they will be literally inundated with a phone call.</p>

<p>WHY?!??!?! my mailperson is very slow today...I usually get mail by 12, and nothing has come as of yet</p>

<p>I second that Skybax</p>

<p>I mean, we all applied by November 1st. We all had to have our stuff submitted in a timely fashion, why couldn't they do the same?</p>

<p>got my letter!
$16000 scholarship.
I have a few ecs but not too many, and I'm only ranked 101/705 in a very competitive school.
It's my dream school. I'm so excited. =D
good luck to everyone who is still waiting =D</p>

<p>where are you from hrw1990?</p>

<p>Still nothing here in CT. Has anyone in the Northeast received notification? This is rather annoying. We had to send in a check today to hold housing at another college since we haven't heard from Miami yet.</p>

<p>Got accepted today in NJ
SATs M700 CR610 </p>

<p>GPA: 3.6/4.2 ish
school does not rank
strong ECs
6 AP courses</p>

<p>i heard in ny today</p>

<p>anyone heard from the west coast? Still waiting for the mailman</p>

<p>I heard in Michigan today.</p>

<p>University ($24,000) and invited to compete for Singer.</p>

<p>ACT: 33
GPA: 4.0/4.41
Rank: 1/196
EC: Lots. Probably helped. </p>

<p>See the Stats thread for full details on my stats.</p>

University + Singer invite</p>

<p>SATS: 2250 + 800/750 SAT IIs</p>

<h1>1 class rank/200 in semi-competitive private hs</h1>

<p>11 college credits, 6 APs, Most Rigorous
Went to Miami SSP 2007</p>

<p>I'm from NY by the way</p>