EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>Somebody messed something up...</p>

<p>Lizzie-I would definitely try to have the GC call. At least you would know what additional info might help and I think they would be more open to discussing specifics with your S's counselor. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what they are looking for. Good luck, I know it's disappointing to recieve a deferral but an acceptance is an acceptance no matter when it comes. As the mom of a soon-to-be alum (5/15!), I, too, know what a great college experience kids can have at UM. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your S in the RD round.</p>

<p>Where else has your S applied?</p>

<p>Lizzie: </p>

<p>Definitely ask your GC to call, and inquire 'what else' can be submitted to enhance the app during the RD round. And, your GC can let Admissions know that UM is your son's first choice, and would definitely attend if admitted (assuming both are true); yield is always important. Admissions reps are usually much more open to the GC than they are to the applicant, and family.</p>

<p>btw: Alumni brother will get nowhere due to federal privacy laws -- any admission person who speaks to him about your son should be fired.</p>

<p>Just wanted to update you all...letter finally arrived today! 8 days after it was sent! 5 hours from Miami...love that USPS!</p>

<p>Haha, a late congrats DinDune!</p>

<p>So, I just got an accpetance letter. Funny thing is, I applied Regular Decision, not Early. Either this is some sort of mistake, or my application was a lot better than I thought.</p>

<p>Lizzie: any update? (preferably good news?)</p>

<p>yes, Lizzie...?</p>

<p>Hi Everyone...nothing new yet...we did speak to admissions and they said there was no mistake but his stats would be reviewed in regular decision. Very very disappointed and we were told that we will just have to wait it out....completely invasive answers and honestly, we are looking elsewhere, very disappointed, especially with the type of student my son is and the fact that we already have given UM tons of our money....lizzie</p>

<p>did the GC call? often, they can be told things that parents may not be...... and is there something you can add to the package before RD? IMO, this would really turn me off to the school, but kids are different.....</p>

<p>what other schools are "on the table"?</p>

<p>that is incredibly disturbing-perhaps the issue is one of "balance" and that your son was the 99999th @@@ and they only needed 99998. Who knows. Get the GC on it and good luck. I understand how deflating it could be.</p>

<p>Well, already got accepted to University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M, University of Alabama, and UNC-Chapel Hill....so, now on to visits and then decision....we are totally disenchanted with UM I must say.</p>

<p>Go figure on UM, but congratulations on all of thoe admittances. Wow! UNC-Chapel Hill in particular is nearly as difficult as H Y P to get into anymore. I'm not as familiar with the specifics of the others but know they are strong. Its too bad UM left the sour note but it is exciting that your child has so many great options.</p>

<p>Yes, I know he has great other choices...it is just so difficult when that is your "dream school" ....we will be visiting the other schools in the next few weeks before we make our final decision. He is excited about possibly UNC or Texas. Thanks for all your concerns... We know UNC is difficult but he does have a strong application. We really wanted him to apply to Univ. of Penn because his gradmother is a graduate but he did not want to go there at all....so we shall see!</p>

<p>lizzie: much congrats to your son...both UNC and UTaustin are amazing choices.....</p>

<p>haha...D1 was a double legacy to UPenn (H and I)...she had no interest in going to an Ivy.....wouldn't even look.....</p>

<p>Rodney, I know what you mean....we are huge Penn fans too but no interest from my son either....I like his choices as well for UT or UNC...I will keep you posted. Good luck to your daughter....my older son is a graduate of UM and absolutely loved it and still does! He is a very active alumni, which again makes it difficult to understand why this went on...oh well....on to better things I suppose!</p>

<p>Lizzie-- UT is a great school. They don't admit many OOS because of the 10% rule. We are in-state and many of my son's friends go there and love it. A&M is a great school also and has a phenomenal alumni network. All of my son's friends at A&M love it there, too.</p>

<p>lizzie: D is not at UM; she's at Newhouse, but we have lots of friends' kids there and applying....I still think this is weird....and now weirder with the UNC and UT acceptance....gl!</p>

<p>I know, it really is, especially when we see other stats of some who have received an acceptance instead of being deferred....
We did decide to have our GC make a call and see what is going on...just need some peace about it at this point. I think my S is definitely leaning towards UT-Austin....but we are going to visit end of month....</p>

<p>What program is your son interested in at UT?</p>