EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>Nevermind, got it all figured out...</p>

<p>Hey DinDune - Congratulations. Sure was a tough week for you. Glad it all worked out.</p>

<p>So sorry TwoParent. I imagine it is awful when you have your heart set on going.<br>
Maybe when it all shakes out she will get in. I hope so. I really do. I don't know how that all works, but hopefully you will hear from others who do.</p>

<p>deffered : (
pretty upset it was my first choice and I was told at my interview that I had a good shot of getting in.
I know that very few but some kids do still get in regular decision
does anyone know what the chances of that are?</p>

<p>My son was deferred as well - Stats 1380 SAT's (1600) - 3.9 unweighted GPA and to top it all off....which is the real bummer - legacy!!!
Very upset after also sending another son to UM that they still deferred him. Oh well...we most likely will decide on one of his other choices....congrats to all of you who did get in, though....</p>

<p>finally heard today!!</p>

<p>accepted with 1930 sats (580cr, 750math, 600writing), 96.5 gpa
plus the deans 16,000 scholarship!!</p>

<p>admissions @UM this yr definitely take the weird award.....especially post #365 & #366</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone. I called today and the woman told me that my Application (FOR EARLY ACTION) has yet to be reviewed. Lucky me.</p>

<p>That just does not seem fair at all...EA deadline was 2/1...I also forgot to say that my son also had oodles of extra curriculars and tons of community service with a very good essay and recommendation letters, even one from our Congressman and State Representative. We really just do not get it all. He is an all around much better student than my other son who is a graduate of UM as well as my father in law. Very upsetting!
Don't mean to rain on anyone else's parade...just feeling disappointed.</p>

<p>Lizzie, it seems like it might be a mistake. Perhaps the GPA was transposed or the SAT wasn't received correctly. I would call and question it in a very nice way. If you aren't comfortable calling, perhaps your son's guidance counselor might step in and make the call on your son's behalf. Please let us know how it turns out. I totally understand the disappointment. It has been a rough week here as well. Be strong...it is not over yet.</p>

<p>Yeah Lizzie, my SAT was the exact same, lower GPA, and definitely not a legacy and I got in with the Trustee scholarship. There was clearly a mistake.</p>

<p>Yeah, Lizzie, I agree with everyone else. There shouldn't have been a reason for your son being deferred. He was, from his stats, an excellent candidate.</p>

<p>Maybe the admissions person had some bad Chinese food in your hometwon the night before...?</p>

<p>Lizzie-This makes no sense. I would definitely have the guidance counselor call and follow-up. I'm still trying to figure out why my S didn't get a scholarship with a 33ACT, 3.9GPA, 7 APs (all '5's and 1 '4' so far), 9 college credits, varsity captain,several sports, community service + much, much more. Maybe based on our zipcode they decided we had the money to be full pay?? Some of this seems so random. Congrats to you DinDune after your trying week!</p>

<p>that does sound so strange considering i got into the college of arts and sciences with a 1200 and a 92, you should call</p>

<p>research:not sure, but last year scholarships focused more on class rank than GPA.....lizzie: please have GC call; i know another sibling legacy w lower stats and few EC's that was accepted....just curious, FA? or not? don't remember if UM is need blind in admissions.....</p>

<p>Lizzie - what school did your son apply for? Many of my daughter's friends were accepted with lower stats than your son's but I wonder if the specific school matters. I would definitely have your GC contact the admission counselor in charge of legacies (I don't remember his name, but he gave the out of state reception that we went to). I understand your disappointment - my daughter spent 3 weeks taking college courses at UM this summer and doesn't think that any other school comes close. Her interviewer also told her that she should get in.</p>

<p>Omg and to think I was a shoe in. Maybe I should have been a bit worried.</p>

<p>I also heard a weird story-one of my friend's cousins is a 3 sport varsity athlete, 2250 at one of the top privates in the area in the top 10% (verified) AND applied Early Decision. He was deferred.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone, and yes we are going to look into this....something seems terribly wrong...he applied to the School of Communications. We truly are puzzled. My son who is an alumni is also going to call as well....it truly takes the enthusiasm out of the picture though....</p>