EA / ED Central (with Megathread links)

Bucknell releases ED1 on Weds, 12/15, after 9pm.

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Do you have any info on Colby notification date and time?

Great -thanks!

I haven’t heard anything for Colby yet
 anyone else heard?

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Do you know any specifics on when University of Vermont will release EA decisions?

Haven’t heard anything yet, but last year was Friday the 11th, and the year before was Friday the 13th, so it’s reasonable to assume that they will come out tomorrow.

Also, Middlebury came out on Saturday the 12th last year and they announced this year will be Saturday the 11th, and BC came out on the third last year and the second this year, so the trend supports that tomorrow will be decision day.

As for the time of decisions, they came out around 10 AM in 2020, but around 3:30 PM in 2019, so it could be any time.

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For Colby^


Northwestern ED release is 12/17
John Hopkins ED release is 12/10

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For PSU, son applied 11/1, accepted around Thanksgiving. No word on scholarships with acceptance.


Wheaton College (in MA) released decisions today, and Rice, WashU, and Fairfield are releasing tonight. Did I miss any for today?

You can also check Early Admissions Central for more updates and a countdown clock for big releases.

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RISD released today.

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Congratulations to your daughter, my daughter applied EA - Business/Advertising (from DC area) and is anxiously waiting.

Colorado College is releasing ED on 12/15 at 4pm MST.

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Lafayette College ED decision date is 12/15 at 4 pm est.

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Occidental ED decision date is today 12/10 at 5pm PT. Good luck to all!


Thanks for the updates everyone! Keep them coming

I am updating EA Central as I hear more news
 I just saw on Instagram that Ursinus released results this morning.

Has anyone heard anything about Pomona College? They say by 12/15, but aside from last year, have frequently released the Friday before.


Any ideas on notification for Colorado College or Lewis and Clark EA? Ds22 had applied ED somewhere else, but would love to have those EA answers as a back up.


Dartmouth as well

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