EA / ED Central (with Megathread links)


University of Chicago ED1 & EA is Dec 17th (afternoon)

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Looks like 12/15 at 6 pm EST for Emory!

Any info for Drexel EA

Any info regarding Notre Dame? Website says “by” Dec. 15.

Nevermind, I found on another thread. 12/16 at 6:42pm.

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Villanova ED1 12/15 by 5pm EST


do we know when LMU will release EA decisions yet?

I’ve only seen speculation of this Friday, based on last year. There is an LMU 2026 thread, you’ll see in that thread.


Providence College sent email that EA notifications will be sent on 12/17 in evening

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someone just called admissions. Emails will be sent out Thursday with info on when decisions will hit portal. Either Friday or next week. Will mail envelopes in snail mail around the same time.


Vanderbilt releasing ED notifications 12/15 @ 5pm Central

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Now worries, I wouldn’t even bother now. Originally scheduled for Dec. 1st, then the school sent an email on the 2nd stating within 10 business days. A friend told me her family member’s daughter received an acceptance email last Friday. My daughter and many others are still waiting. Another mom told me she called the school and decisions are now on a rolling basis. The school did mention “an unprecedent amount of applications” were received which they didn’t anticipate. but thank you for following up.

December 15th! <so today ;w;> That’s what I have for my portal.

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Same here, acceptance but no word on scholarships

Anybody have any information about Syracuse?

any word on Chapman?

My experience (and also seen on this thread), is that very few students at University Park receive any sort of merit scholarships, except for those admitted later to the Honors College. From these boards, it sounds like those students receive $5,000. Please double check me, but merit scholarships do not seem to be the normal for PSU main campus.

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Colby confirmed to be today.


Typo - and won’t let me edit. American, Thursday, 12/16.

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Pomona releasing later today (per instagram)