EA2 Merit Scholarships

Does anyone know if admitted EA2 students are being considered for merit based scholarships? Thanks!

One of the pages in the EA2 acceptance packet said Merit information should be out by Mar 1st if you are offered a scholarship.

Just talked to admissions awards will be out sometime in March no date yet…

I went to TCU for a visit today and they said EA2 Merit scholarships will be finished tomorrow and sent out next week by mail, uploaded on portal a few days after that.

Anyone hear anything yet?

I was wondering the same thing. Nothing yet…

check your my.tcu for merit info as they will show up in this location first. At least this was for EA1

Anyone heard anything yet???

Nope, my aunt works for the admissions office for graduate students and said she would check in on the status of EA2 Merit tomorrow. I’ll post back with what I hear.

It’s up on the portal. I was a awarded a “faculty scholarship”, 15k a year.

My D’s is up on the portal also. She got Dean’s scholarship, 18K. Does anyone know when the need based financial aid figures are sent?

Not to sound ungrateful son received Faculty $15k - 3.71uw, 4.0w. 34 ACT