Eagle Scout Scholarships at Bama?

<p>Does anyone have an Eagle Scout who received any scholarship money from Bama in past years? My DS submitted his scholarship app tonight and there was a box to check for Eagle Scout Membership. He was asked to submit a copy of his membership card, but no other info was required. </p>

<p>Guess it got my hopes up for a little more money!</p>

<p>This might be new. S is Eagle Scout, but don’t remember that box on his app last year. Are you a new, incoming student? If you can, please copy the text from the app and post here. I’m curious…</p>

<p>He is a new, incoming student. I tried to access the app again, but once it was submitted I can’t get to the original app. It was at the very bottom of the application.</p>

<p>I just checked the screen dump that we took from S’s application last year Oct 2011 - yeah, we’re nutty like that* - and I can’t see anything related to Eagle Scouts. Maybe someone who has not yet sent in their UA scholarship app can weigh in about this.</p>

<p>*With these on-line applications, I can strongly recommend that students get in the habit of taking screen dumps (and copy/paste into a word document, or similar), so they can reference back what they submitted, at a later date. Too often last year, my S had submitted stuff online and then he had no record of it whatsoever. He finally learned after about the 12th app (asking for basically the same info), that he should take my advice, if for no other reason than to save time with the 13th app… I have noticed also that more and more job applications are strictly online-only now, too, so saving screen images of what you submit becomes important to reference during the in-person interview later…I should think.</p>

<p>Good advice, Aeromom. We also recommended that DD write all of her essays, resumes, short answers in a word document and then paste from there to the online application. That way she had control of the master and didn’t have to worry about transposition related mistakes (missing words, spelling, etc.)</p>

<p>We are able to see all of the info he submitted. At the bottom it lists all of the scholarships that he checked (i.e., Crimson, Alumni). It just says “Eagle Scout Membership” and we did check a box for it… We also had to upload a copy of his membership card. I don’t remember anything about Eagle Scout when my DD submitted hers several years ago. We would have noticed because my DS was already working toward his Eagle. Maybe it is a new scholarship opportunity this year!</p>

<p>Just wanted to say congratulations on the Eagle Scout achievement. You must be so proud! Bama would be lucky to have a kid like him attend their school, and I’m sure they’ll do everything possible to make it happen.</p>

<p>Peacetide, Let us know if any scholarships result from being an Eagle Scout. My hs junior should earn his eagle in the next year and is very interested in Alabama.</p>



<p>That is a very good idea.
I do that for a lot of things.
Sometimes, though, there is so much coding and formatting that it takes forever to load and often the document looks terrible.
In those cases I do two things: copy and paste into Notepad so at least you have the content as a text document and do a “Print Scrn” and paste of the most important part such as a confirmation number or such.</p>

<p>Another good thing you can do is install some like pdfcreator (freeware which is very safe). This will then let you “print” to a pdf file. You use is just like you would a printer. Choose print (in any application) and then choose the pdfcreator as your printer. Now you have a nice pdf file of the web page, word doc, etc you are looking at and it is a lot easy the screen captures.</p>

<p>On a MAC when you print, look to the bottom left of the print window and you will see a pdf menu. This will let you create a pdf file of what ever you are printing.</p>

<p>Added: Hit submit too soon…forgot to add congrats on the Eagle Scout. My son got his about a month ago.</p>

<p>Montegut: Thank you so much! We are very proud of him. It was a very hard road, but we were very happy to have it finished before his senior year!</p>

<p>Kjcphmon: I will update if any scholarships come his way. I know other schools advertise small scholarships for Eagle, but this is the first thing we have seen about it from Bama in the past 3 years. We won’t know anything until the scholarship package is sent in March. Good Luck to your son (and his parents) as y’all work to complete the process. My best advice is to get everything done BEFORE senior year! My DS finished his in March and we had his Court of Honor in August. I am so thankful we completed it before school started and it really is a nice addition to the college applications.</p>

<p>Peachtide, finishing before your senior year is EXCELLENT advice, something we learned the hard way. S1 did not make Eagle as his senior year was too hectic with AP homework, Skills USA, First Robotics etc. S2, who is my freshman at UA, had his Eagle Board of Review 10 days before he left to start school at Alabama (and his ceremony is taking place during Christmas Break.) I have told S3 that all his merit badges have to be done this year (only 2 left) and his Eagle Project finished the summer before his senior year. I don’t want to go through the anxiety/time crunch once again. Good luck to your son and I hope he chooses to go to UA. S2 so far has had a great experience. Roll tide!</p>

<p>Update: No additional scholarship money for my Eagle Scout son. That is the first time it has been on the scholarship application, so I am sure they had some money to give, but don’t know how many or how much! Good Luck to all of you Eagle Scout parents!</p>

<p>I called and asked about the Eagle Scout check box. Apparently it is not an “Eagle Scout” scholarship awarded to Eagle Scouts, but a single scholarship for a single recipient. One of qualifications is the recipient must be an Eagle Scout.</p>

<p>^That’s good to know. Thanks for the info!</p>

<p>I think there are a lot of Eagle Scouts at UA. I’ve bumped into quite a few on CC. Good info to know for future students applying for scholarships. </p>

<p>If your son’s Eagle Board of Review was/will be in 2013, he is still eligible for the 2014 National Eagle Scout Assn (NESA), which will open up again on October 1, 2013. (If your son’s BOR was in 2012, the 2013 scholarsip deadline was 12/31/12.) There are actually 3 NESA scholarships: merit, academic, and STEM. Info is here: [National</a> Eagle Scout Association](<a href=“http://www.nesa.org/]National”>http://www.nesa.org/) , and look for the scholarship tab across the top with many pull-down items.</p>

<p>Being a Scout mom, I can tell you that Bama’s community service fits right into the same values of Scouting. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>My DS is an Eagle Scout as well. I do remember seeing the Eagle info on the scholarship app. My son didn’t get that scholarship, that said, happy he was offered 2 others. Great advice getting it done early on, before junior year if at all possible.</p>

<p>We told S he couldn’t get his driver’s license until he completed his requirements. He finished his sophomore year a couple of months before his 16th birthday.</p>

<p>^When our son was 12 and told us he wanted to be an Eagle Scout, we told him he couldn’t get his driver’s license until he finished his Eagle. He procrastinated and underestimated the time for project approval, etc. and was 6 months late getting his license because of it. He still finished it in his junior year, and hopefully learned a valuable lesson from it.</p>