Early Action Class of 2023 - VT

No, only what they have posted–by Feb. 22. :frowning:

@Gatsb13 is the automatic reply an email or are you meaning on their website when it says your application will be updated?

Seems like most colleges beat their personal deadline - but I wouldn’t think there would be any chance of release prior to Feb. 8. I’m personally thinking around Feb. 14th. Sounds like they are deep in it right now!

@LeviR it was on the site, not a separate email.

Did anyone notice the date of the SRAR has changed? We checked the status today and initially it listed as received back in Nov when my son applied. Now it lists a few days ago. Does that just mean that’s when they started reviewing the app? I just don’t want it to push his app process back since he applied EA. I really hope we don’t have to wait until the end of Feb for a decision. This is his dream school and he wants to join the Corps of Cadets.

Based on the website, notifications will be on February 22 for those applying EA. I don’t think they ever indicated that it would be sooner than that. Our portal has the same adjustment to the SRAR date and applied EA as well. I wouldn’t read anything into it.

DD got email congrats her for passing thru stage 1 of the davenport leadership scholarship. does this mean she’s unofficially got accepted to tech? so strange.

^ I also received the email to progress to stage 2 of the Davenport Leadership Scholarship. It means that the engineering department at Virginia Tech definitely considers us as great fits for the university as we meet the standards, however it is separate from the undergraduate admissions office. I would definitely take it as a VERY good sign, because it would be ridiculous for an applicant to be considered for the scholarship (let alone be part of the 15% out of 3500 applicants this year progressing to stage 2) if there was no chance of them being accepted into the university that the scholarship would be used for.

Congratulations to all who have made it to stage 2 of Davenport. Virginia Tech does not give many merit scholarships, so if you are awarded one, consider yourself fortunate. Please beware that you need to maintain a ** 3.5 GPA ** to renew this award. As a high school student with a 4.0 or higher GPA this may sound like an easy thing to do - IT IS NOT, especially in engineering. And they are very serious about rescinding the scholarship - trust me, I know. My S17 won a Davenport Scholarship. He missed the 3.5 mark his first semester by a small margin - he received a warning. After his second semester, he was unable to get his GPA back above a 3.5 and he lost the scholarship. It was nice for one year, but it was gone. I asked the administrator how many students lose the award and I was told between 50% and 60% do not keep the award for 4 years. Needless to say, I was annoyed.

In any case, good luck!

My daughter applied ED and deferred to EA. Her SRAR received date shows now 1/10. I think they reviewed the application again on 1/10.

My son’s SRAR originally said Received 10/16/18. Now it says Received 1/17/19. I’m not really sure what this means.

My son’s has changed twice. From the original October date to 1/10/19 and now it’s showing 1/17/19. Not sure what to make of it.

It must change every time they access the data

on the portal what is the “personal essay” and “test date” mean? right above the SRAR received date. This just appeared

They must pull the essay answers off the common app and enter into their system I assume. It showed up in my son’s account as well with a jan 3 date posted and where it says test date.

This was added to son’s portal today…

I think the same thing happened ahead of ED decisions. I don’t think it means anything.

DS hasnt seen any of these additions on his app summary or SRAR review.

@STEM2017 i applied EA and am (im)patiently awaiting my decision. March 15? that seems a bit late considering i applied in like november… any possibilities it comes out sooner?

@danielladicarlo March 15 is for honors. EA decisions come out No later than Feb 22.

If your application is being considered for the Honors College, do they let you know in advance you are being considered, or do you just find out in March?