Early Action Decision Date

<p>I thought the date was always before Dec 15, like possibly Dec 10thish??</p>

<p>December 14 5 pm.</p>

<p>I predict the Internet will crash that day and all post office will be closed :D</p>

<p>5 pm Eastern Time, byerly?</p>

<p>What did you think... Greenwich Mean Time? Harvard is an international university, to be sure, but not THAT international!</p>

<p>Byerly, so sorry for my ignorance!</p>

<p>No problem!</p>

<p>Dangit...I wanna know NOW :) :)</p>

<p>Byerly...are you sure it was around 3700 applicants. where are your sources? Every time some one asks you pleasantly(:)) avoid the question. Also, I called for some info and could not help but ask and they said something about 3900 applicants or only a slightly less number of applicants like 4000. I am confused! Elucidate please:)</p>

<p>Around 3,700 is what I've heard. We'll just have to see.</p>

<p>How many do you think that they will end up accepting?</p>

<p>My wild guess: between 800-900</p>

<p>Well... I am a senior this year in High School. This past summer I attended Harvard Summer School, the high school program where you can earn credits. How much do you think that will help me when being considered for Early Action?</p>

<p>Not too much.</p>

<p>Current Academic Scores
 S.A.T.
 Scholastic Aptitude Test
 1360
 720 Math
 640 Verbal
 630 Writing
 A.S.V.A.B.
 Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
 A.F.Q.T. Score - 97%
 G.P.A.
 Grade Point Average
 Unweighted - 4.0
 Class Rank<br>
 3rd out of 340 (there was an error on the transcript that says 4th)</p>

<p>Ninth Grade
 Attained Straight A’s for both semesters
 Earned Academic Letter
 Actively involved with S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
 Actively involved with Play It Safe
 Co-founded and was the acting Co-President of F.M.P.A. (Future Medical Professionals of America)
 Earned Red Cross C.P.R. Certification
 Earned Red Cross First Aid Certification
 Earned Scuba Diving International Certification
 Earned BSA Lifeguard Certification
 Actively involved in the Boy Scouts Of America
 Position of the Junior Scoutmaster ( the highest boy ranking position in the Boy Scouts)
 Involved in the Order of the Arrow (the National Honor Society for Boy Scouts Of America)
 Sat for the S.A.T.’s </p>

<p>Tenth Grade
 Attained Straight A’s for both semesters
 Earned Academic pin
 Earned Presidential Student Service Award
 Accepted to participate in the National Youth Leadership Conference
 Actively involved with S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
 Actively involved with Play It Safe
 Actively involved with F.M.P.A. (Future Medical Professionals of America) as the Co- President
 Visited Walter Reed Medical Center
 Attending Sam Rhine’s genetics conference at Wesley College
 Participated in Locks of Love
 Participated in Relay for Life
 Arranged for Medical Guest Speakers
 Actively involved with F.B.L.A. (Future Business Leaders of America)
 Became Acting Treasurer
 Attended the regional competition for F.B.L.A.
 Placed first for the entire Eastern Shore for Business Math
 Placed 3rd for Business Math in the state championship for F.B.L.A.
 Actively involved in Stephen Decatur High School Track
 Dual events as a discus thrower and a shot putter
 Participated in both the Regional and Bayside competitions
 Earned Sports letter
 Earned the Minds in Motion Award
 Actively involved in the Boy Scouts Of America
 Position of the Junior Scoutmaster ( the highest boy ranking position in the Boy Scouts)
 Involved in the Order of the Arrow (the National Honor Society for Boy Scouts Of America)
 Earned the Eagle Scout Award (the Highest award in the Boy Scouts of America)
 Earned Eagle Palms
 Earned Red Cross C.P.R. Certification
 Earned Red Cross First Aid Certification</p>

<p> Earned Red Cross C.P.R. For The Professional Rescuer
 Senior Lifeguard for Ocean Pines
 Sat for the S.A.T.’s </p>

<p>Eleventh Grade
 Attained Straight A’s while taking three AP courses (Biology, Calculus & European History)
 Accepted to participate in the National Youth Leadership Conference
 Actively involved with F.M.P.A. (Future Medical Professionals of America)
 Attended Sam Rhine’s genetics conference at Wesley College
 Attended the Light the Night Walk for Leukemia
 Participated in Locks of Love
 Arranged for Medical Guest Speakers
 Aided with Tsunami Relief
 Actively involved with S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
 Attended Y.E.L.L. (Youth to Eliminate the Loss of Life) Conference
 Helped with Prom activities
 Helped with Senior Week activities
 Actively involved with Play It Safe
 Actively involved with F.B.L.A. (Future Business Leaders of America) and became as the Treasurer
 Actively involved with Connections Community Service Organization
 Surfing with Seniors (teaching the elderly how to use computers)
 Attended American Diabetes Association Walk for a Cure
 Wrote grants to obtain project funding
 Participated in Adopting families to assist during the holidays
 Actively involved with Investment Club
 Actively involved with DeMolay (the Junior Masons organization) as the Vice-President
 Actively involved with the DEEP Youth Group
 Actively involved in Ocean City Christian Church
 Actively involved in the Boy Scouts Of America
 Position of the Junior Scoutmaster ( the highest boy ranking position in the Boy Scouts)
 Attained Brotherhood Membership in the Order of the Arrow (the National Honor Society for Boy Scouts Of America)
 Earned Eagle Palms
 Earned Red Cross First Aid Certification
 Sat for the New SAT
 Earned Red Cross C.P.R. For The Professional Rescuer
 Participating in Stephen Decatur High School Track as both a discus thrower and a shot putter
 Participated in U.M.E.S. Science and Math Competition
 Accepted into Harvard’s Summer School Program to take courses in Principles of Genetics and Biomedical Ethics.
 Attended Regional and Bayside Track meets.
 Participated in Relay 4 Life cancer society fundraiser.
 Became a member of the National Honor Society
 Sat for AP tests in the subjects of Biology, Calculus AB and European History</p>

<p>Summer and Beginning of 12th Grade
 Attended Harvard College for the Summer
 Volunteered for the Harvard College Summer School Blood Drive
 Participated in college preparatory courses at Harvard University in:
 Taking effective notes
 Reading Strategies I: When is it OK to Scan, Skim, or Skip?
 Reading Strategies II: Remembering What You Read
 Time Management Skills
 Stress Management
 Preparing for and Taking Tests and Exams in College
 Making the Transition from High School to College Writing: Meeting the challenges
 Member of the Harvard Extension School Democrats Club
 Participated in intramural sports including volleyball and ultimate frisbee
 Actively involved in Summer Servers Program community service organization
 Senior Lifeguard for Ocean Pines
 Sat for AP tests in Biology, Calculus AB and European History
 Member of Harvard Chess Club
 Member of Academic Team
 Interned at Atlantic General Hospital in the Emergency Room
 Sat for the SAT II in the subjects of Biology M, Chemistry and Math II
 Maryland Distinguished Scholar: Semi-Finalist
 Member of F.M.P.A.
 Member of Connections
 Participated in the Light the Night Walk for Leukemia
 Attended Sam Rhine’s Genetic Conference at Wesley College
 Member of Investment Club
 Participated in the Walk for Diabetes
 Member of S.A.D.D.
 Treasurer of the SDHS Debate Team
 Member of Play It Safe</p>

<p>What are my chances Byerly?</p>

<p>Oh and by the way, sorry for posting this stuff on this post... it was just easier to get answers. Thanks guys!!</p>

<p>Byerly do they look at the ACT subscores from different tests and take the highest (consideration) of each. I always do well on two sections of the ACT and horrid on the rest. If they combined them I would have a decent ACT average...what do they do my wonderful harvard advocate????? :)</p>

<p>Wow I feel like Byerly is being harassed.</p>

<p>He can handle it!</p>

<p>If the admission office finishes going over the apps early they won't post the decisions before 12-14 5 PM? </p>

<p>I distinctly remember my friend saying that he wouldn't find out if he got in till Dec 15, but when he checked on the 10th the decision was already up. Any ideas?</p>

<p>The admissions office E-mails the decisions; they don't post it on their website like Cornell or UPenn.</p>