Early Action Decisions are out!

So excited! My son just got his acceptance letter in the mail. In typical Hampshire style, the acceptance letter arrived (via USPS) a couple hours after a Hampshire poster arrived via UPS. We figured they didn’t send posters out to people they rejected, so we were pretty sure what the letter would say.
It’s very high on his list, but we need to wait to hear from Brandeis in March before he makes a final decision. Good luck to everyone!

Congratulations to your son!

That’s wonderful, Awesomekidsmom! Your son sounds like such a fit for Hampshire but know he’ll make the right choice. I’m so happy for you guys!

Poster arrived yesterday. Yay!

Accepted today and received an Innovator’s Award merit scholarship. Son is very happy, it will be a big decision for him as we are waiting on a few others now!

It’s a very nice touch the way they add something personal at the end of the letter to let you know they actually looked at more than the grades. They said they hoped he’d try out for the Improv Troupe. @Snowdog - Mine got the “Non Satis Scire” merit scholarship. @BTMell and @Alf - we may have questions as we go forward!

What’s on the poster?

@Awesomekidsmom congratulations to your son! Going to one of the accepted student days?
@ALF, the poster is an aerial photo of the Hampshire College campus.

@Snowdog - congratulations to yours, too! He will definitely be going to one of the accepted student days, but he hasn’t figured out which one yet. He also plans to try to do an overnight visit. Hampshire has a lot of nice touches. He got a handwritten postcard today from a student inviting him to email him with questions, etc. Hampshire is definitely a contender.

@Alf, @BTMell, & @Snowdog - I’d like to thank all of you for your help and support over the last several months. My son did overnights at both Brandeis & Hampshire this week. It was a really tough choice with both schools running neck and neck much of the time. In the end, he found “his people” at Brandeis, and just didn’t see himself clicking with the Hampshire students. He truly loved a lot of things about Hampshire, but he felt he would be isolated geographically (always wanted to be near Boston) and socially.
I should also mention that some of the Hampshire students cautioned him about coming if he wanted to study math, so that factored in as well.
Anyway, I’m really sad to be leaving this thread - you’ve all been wonderful, but I think he made the right choice for himself. Thank you.

Hi @Aweomekidsmom, I sent you a pm just minutes ago, should have checked here first. Thanks for posting and congrats to your son on finding his place!

Thanks for letting us know - I’m so happy your son has found a good place to be. That’s truly the most important thing. I’ve enjoyed our interactions a bunch!

Congrats on your son going to Brandeis! Its a great school - our daughter loved her visits there (she had friends who went to Brandeis). My favorite comment from her; “Its a 24 x 7 NFTY (National Foundation for Temple Youth) Convention!”. She was wait-listed at Brandeis, but then accepted EA at Hampshire, so that was the end of that.

My son deposited at Hampshire this afternoon. Just wanted to extend my thanks to the parents here on the forum, it’s been a long road. He is very happy.

I’m so happy for you and your son! Congratulations.

My son has his “Pass” meeting today - essentially like defending his thesis - and should be ringing the bell at 2:00 today! Four years has gone by SO fast. I hope he’s as pleased as we’ve been with Hampshire.

@Snowdog - Congratulations to your son! I hope he has a wonderful time. When my son did his overnight, he sat in on 6 classes, and thought the professors and the content were fabulous. It just wasn’t the right fit for him.
@BTMell - Good luck to your son. So cool! I’m sure he will be quite relieved to have that piece done.

I can’t believe he’s DONE. I’m kind of an emotional mess right now. So very proud of him.

Congrats @Snowdog! My D is finishing up her second year at Hampshire, she is working very hard there but is unbelievably happy. It’s been a great place for her.

Thanks all. I am feeling emotional about it as well. We are very close and he is my youngest. I am thrilled for him but miss him already.