I got in!!!
Did you see on portal? @bab0789
My portal hadn’t changed from the deferral page… Is this a bad sign??
Congratulations @bab0789 how did you hear???
My portal hasn’t changed from the deferral page either… Almost all of the people from my school who applied still have the deferral message too. I’m not sure if its bad or not though I’m hoping not @gigemgirl13
it came in the mail, my portal still says that the letter was sent. good luck to y’all!
Do you live close to Texas @bab0789? Sorry we are so anxious here!!
It also depends when your school was able to get your semester grades in to TCU.
yes, i live in Texas! check portals!!
Portal updated when I checked this morning, I got in! Good luck to everyone!
Portal changed to Congratulations this morning!!! So excited!!
If mine didn’t change yet is that bad news?
Just found out I got into the nursing program!
As of this morning seems like everybody’s portal has changed, but my son’s is still saying he’s deferred and wants him to update test scores and grades. He applied EA.
ACT Composite: 34
GPA: 3.5
AP Calc: 5
AP Psyc: 5
Varsity sports, tons of volunteer hours, student clubs, etc.
Was accepted EA to UT-Austin, A&M, SMU, Baylor all with big merit scholarships. Was surprised he was deferred at TCU, but the portal was always acting weird for him, he got a postcard in the mail in December saying thank-you for sending his ACT test scores (which were actually sent back in June!). He goes to a national top-100 ranked High School in California which does not rank and has tough curriculum (hence the “low” GPA, but high test scores). Was waiting on TCU and scholarship offer before making a final decision, he’s always loved TCU over all the other schools.
My son was accepted!! We’re all very excited! Good luck and congratulations to all of you future Horned Frogs!!
Do you live in Texas or close by?
Son’s portal was updated yesterday. He got in.
I called them today, since my portal hasn’t changed at all from the defer application. They were super short, didn’t provide much info other than that letters were sent out last week. The lady told me to call tomorrow if I didn’t get a letter in the mail. Feel like I got rejected.
Also my stats were 1850 SAT 28 ACT top 35% (go to one of the top schools in Tx, when I told my counselor about the school she totally understood), work 40 hours/week since junior year and still made all A’s and one B in all advanced classes. Tons of community service.
@tcudream2016 I am in the same boat as you. In all honesty I believe they are being very unprofessional about the entire process. Everytime I speak to somebody in the office they seem rude and unprofessional. They continually push the date back. They were my number one school for a long time but this entire admission process makes me question them.