Asian Male,
State: Georgia
Public School (one of the top in state)
Will apply for Chemical Engineering
Georgia Tech (Early Action)
SAT I (breakdown): Haven’t taken it yet
ACT (breakdown): E: 35 M: 36 R: 32 S: 31 C: 34(Super)
SAT II (place score in parentheses): Chem: 750 Math 2: 800
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):3.9
Weighted GPA:4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 35/443
AP (place score in parentheses): 13 (AP Gov: 4) , (AP Compsci: 4), (AP Statistics 4) (Will update after I recieve other scores)
IB (place score in parentheses): Didnt take
Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics C, AP Lit, AP Macroeconomics, AP Psychology, AP Comp Gov, AP Art History, College Calculus 2 and 3 (DUAL enrollment- community college)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parentheses):
- Md Junior (Vice President)
- People Against Human Trafficking (Vice President)
- FBLA (awards at regional stage)
- Varsity Cricket
- Ping Pong Club (co founder)
- Model UN ( awards like best delegation)
Job/Work Experience:
- Internship at Research Center (one year)
Volunteer/Community Service:
- WTFC (working together for a change)- aims to end homelessness in Atlanta
- Temple (Religious)- tutoring kids (cultured based teaching)
Summer Activities: Internship at Research Center (one year)
Essays ( details):: None yet (will update)
Teacher Recommendations (details):: (will update)
Counselor Rec (details)::(will update)
Additional Rec (details):: (will update)
Interview: (will update)
@harsh98 Looks really good! Just make sure to do the early action and write good supplements. I’m confused on why you aren’t taking GT’s Distance Calc for Calc 2 and 3? If you’re serious about Tech, then that would have been the best option. But everything else looks great. Good luck!
@ChocolateCoin Since I am in AB Calc, I can’t do GT Calc. Do you think that will affect my chances of getting in?
i think you will get into gt
good luck friend!
With your rigor and scores, you have a pretty good chance. Do keep in mind that tech looks at you in the context of your high school. It depends on how many well qualified kids from your school end up applying to tech. If you can take Calc BC, do that - it does seem to matter.
@ycollege123 So you’re saying that taking BC could raise my chances but taking College Calculus 2 and College Calculus 3 will not help me? I am also taking 7 classes as a senior so the College Calc will be my 7th class (in the evening at the college).
@harsh98 Hmmm, the way I see it, BC is standardized across everyone in the nation. Therefore, GT knows the rigor of the curriculum. For the colleges, not so much. It’s harder for GT to figure out if the college calculus is hard as MIT or easy as some community colleges. As others said, it’s all about the context.
This is just one minor part in your application. If you did OK in AB, GT will probably figure out that you’re a good student in mathematics. Even though GT does focus a lot on STEM classes, I don’t think it’ll affect your chances that much IMHO.
Just wondering, if GT your top / dream choice?
@ChocolateCoin Yeah GT is my top choice! Yeah I got a 94 (unweighted) in AB and even my counselor told me to go with BC because it is harder than the calc at community college. I also took AP Physics and AP Chemistry so hopefully they will know I’m more focused on STEM classes (hopefully). 
@harsh98 If your counselor said BC is harder, then I would also suggest going BC. Then again, I’m just a guy on the internet 
In the end, I doubt it’ll make a big difference. GT admissions is going to be even weirder next year, so I wish you the best!
@ChocolateCoin what do you mean “wierder”. Do you have any information lol?
I think you have a decent chance of getting in but I would reconsider your math choice. I would not take Calc BC instead of dual enrollment calc 2 and 3 though. Calc BC only covers a few more topics than Calc AB, so you would spend a lot of the year repeating the same material, which might look lazy to admissions officers. If you have the choice of taking a multivariable class at your school, that might be the best option. At my school they offer a Multivariable calc class which covers calc II and III topics and you can take the BC exam to get more credit. There’s no college credit offered but it will prepare you for calc II and III at Tech. If your school doesn’t offer something like that, then I would go with the dual enrollment classes. You could maybe try to take the BC exam at the end of the year.
Your stats look very good and you’re applying to a less popular major, which is good. The fact that you’re Asian makes your case a little weaker. I knew so many really smart Asian and white guys who got rejected from Tech this year, so keep that in mind as admissions are only getting tougher. Apart from that though I think your extracurriculars, course rigor, and test scores put you on track to be accepted.
Good luck and I hope I helped!
@wanderlust9871 Yeah unfortunately they only offer GT Calc at my school which I can’t do because I didn’t take BC. I talked to the admission counselor and told me to go with the most rigorous classes available at my school which is BC for me since I can’t do GT. Dual Enrollment is much easier and will not provide me with any credit.
Also, thanks for you help!!!
Okay so I think I understand what the calc problem seems to be. Don’t worry about what Georgia Tech will think about you not taking their calc or calc BC. They seem to view AP, IB, and dual-enrollment courses the same way because they calculate the average amount of all three taken by admitted students. Theoretically you should get in, but don’t be surprised if you don’t. Definitely apply EA. Last year lots of people with near-perfect test scores got deferred.