Early Deadlines?

<p>I wanted to apply to Syracuse but the deadline is January 1 (and I had my calender marked for February for them...I swear I don't remember it being January 1st!). My college is already closed for the holidays and there's no way I could get the Recs when my professors were so busy with finals. I was just wondering how common it was for schools to have such early transfer deadlines? Seems like they'd give you some time to get that first semester done and then focus on transferring.</p>

<p>I think as long as you get the app in on time, you’ll be fine. It won’t really hurt if rec’s and transcripts take a little longer to get there, as that’s not something that’s completely in your control. It’s a good thing you noticed now and not next month!</p>

<p>I’ve been looking at a ton of schools, and I’ve only seen a couple with dates that soon, but Syracuse is not the only one. For instance, Cornell College’s is Jan. 1 too, and Smith wants it by Feb. 1, and Wellesley by Feb. 10, and quite a few by Feb. 15. February dates seem sort of early but doable, but I think January is ridiculous.</p>

<p>But what I don’t understand is how Mt. Holyoke wants financial info by Feb. 1 and St. Olaf wants it by Jan. 15! That’s definitely going to impact my decision to apply; I remember last year my mom’s W2’s (Is that what they’re called? I can’t remember. The things that say how much you made and stuff.) didn’t come until the end of January! I might just see if they’ll let me use last year’s stuff…</p>