Early Decision Crash and Burn: NEED HELP!

<p>I wanted finally send in my ED app last night.</p>

<p>It was all set except for the supplement. Just in case, I checked it over. To my surprise, one of my teachers had removed one of his recommendations from online.</p>

<p>I emailed him at 9:45 tonight. He replied at 10:20 that while "i had put yours online, and put x's offline." He finished up by saying he wasn't sure what the website said, but was absolutely done fixing the process. It was pretty much a #%(@-off.</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure he mixed her up for me (we look somewhat alike, are applying to a lot of the same schools, have similar personalities, plus he mentioned her in the same sentence as me) and took mine off when he meant to take hers offline. </p>

<p>The deadline is tomorrow. I have several hard copies of the recommendation itself. I have nothing of the rest of the form (checked boxes and whatnot). Again, up to now, it was entirely online.</p>

<p>tl;dr. My recommendation was taken offline. My teacher refuses to put it back online. What do I do?</p>

<p>Please no "ha ha you're screwed" answers without solutions. I am well aware.</p>

<p>Ask your teacher if he/she would do the hard copy teacher evaluation check-off form. (Supply an stamped, addressed envelope. You can mail it to the college, and email the adcom to explain the lack of the online form. Colleges are very understanding if it is the teacher’s fault, as in your case. Just be sure to communicate with the school soon, so there is not any confusion. And don’t panic, it will be OK!!</p>

<p>Yeah I would maybe call the admissions office and alert them to the situation ASAP. I am so sorry for you.</p>

<p>Fauve, I think I will have to ask him to check off the boxes hard copy, but he was very firm in that he wouldn’t do anything else, so I think he might refuse to. If he does, I’m worried that he’ll check off really bad boxes, which is a shame because in spite of all this, he wrote me a very good rec.</p>

<p>Thanks, blondesongbird. What should I say to them? I mean, I don’t think this would sound too good to an admissions office.</p>

<p>I definitely am calling them, I just don’t know what to say.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the Common App people could possibly put it back online?</p>

<p>no, it is not within the jurisdiction of common app to do that</p>

<p>I think you plead your case to the teacher if you can as well. The teacher is probably not out to get you.</p>

<p>I can’t believe your teacher got you mixed up with somebody else. That is horrible.</p>

<p>Call admissions office as soon as possible, ask if you can send a hard copy.</p>

<p>Yeah reason with the teacher, be a little firm, do what it takes to get the recommendation letter loaded up online, and sent. Try your all.</p>

<p>I think ED date is usually postmarked (I’m not sure check up) so if you send your hard copy by mail I don’t see a problem.</p>

<p>They wont deny you if your teacher didn’t send a rec on time. If he sends it early next week, it will probably be fine. Email admissions to let them know.</p>

<p>Could you ask your guidance counselor to help out here? Could he/she speak with your teacher and explain your concern? Otherwise, I think the best ideas are calling your ED college and seeing if the teacher would send his rec. via hard copy. This will be fine.</p>

<p>I don’t know how strict the schools are with ED deadlines, but I’m pretty sure most schools don’t even look at the apps until after Thanksgiving, so if your teacher messed up on your app, you’ll have plenty of time to get that in. Do call the admissions office to tell them about your situation, but I can’t see why they wouldn’t allow it if it was the teacher’s fault.</p>