Early Decision & Honors Weekend Scholarships?

<p>I am from out of state, and I am planning to apply to Virginia Tech early decision next year. However, will this affect my chances for getting invited to Honors Weekend or getting scholarships? If Tech knows I'm promising to come, will they bother to award me any financial aid, or will they save it for other students who are not guaranteed to go to school there?</p>

<p>Any input or advice is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you (or your son/daughter) were invited to attend honors weekend, if you applied ED/RD, if you're from OOS, and if you were awarded any scholarship money! Again, I'm happy to hear any info you have to share.</p>

<p>Hi! I was invited to the weekend. I am from in-state, and applied regular decision. It hasn’t happened yet so I don’t know about scholarship money yet. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’m a current tech student and have a lot of experience with admissions and fin aid. ED when you’re relying on Financial Aid is definitely not the best idea. I’m not sure that they they give more fin aid to RD applicants. There are formulas for most grants so as long as you fit the criteria, you should get it. I’m not sure how scholarships work but I since they’re due late in admissions seasons, ED probably doesn’t have that much affect on whether you get the scholarship or not. In some cases, depending on the scholarship, they probably won’t even know you applied ED.</p>

<p>The more important thing to think about with applying early is that for the most part, you’re legally bound to attend, regardless of circumstances with money. If you can’t come up with the money through Tech, you’ll have to find out some other way. You’ll also have to withdraw your applications to other schools, so even if you did manage to get out of going to Tech, you’d be out of luck in where you’d go. So the safer option is to apply RD if you’re depending on aid to go to school here.</p>

<p>I’m not depending on aid, but scholarships would still be really, really nice. I just want to know if applying ED would completely exclude me from certain opportunities like honors weekend.</p>