Honors Scholarship?

<p>I see from the University Honors website, that they will be sending out acceptances no later than April 15th. At this point, my decision to go to VT will most likely be based on any additional scholarship that I am granted. So far, I have been notified of the 5k VT Scholars award, but that's all. Does anyone know if the Honors acceptance letters ever include any scholarship $'s? I was not invited to the scholarship weekend, so I'm wondering if there's any additional scholarship given out to other accepted students. Thanks!</p>

<p>If your decision to go to Virginia Tech hinges on aid offers, I would urge you to contact the Honors director and explain your situation – that is, if you were offered admission to Honors. If they want you, they may try to entice you with scholarships. However, this is almost always contingent on living in University Honors housing.</p>

<p>Does Honors usually only offer scholarships to entice on-the-fence students into coming? If I apply ED, where I am promising to come to VT for sure, would the Honors program bother to offer me any scholarship money at all?</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>I was accepted to University Honors, but I didn’t receive a scholarship. They offer them, but I just didn’t get one. However, VT already gave me a regular academic scholarship, but I don’t see how this would change anything. VT is a back-up for me, and I know the school knows this, so that may play a part.</p>

<p>@fermat how would the school know that? Did you state in your essay that you would rather attend UVA?</p>

<p>My scores, grades, and academic program are well beyond the average of those who typically end up attending Virginia Tech. I was accepted to both USC and Johns Hopkins, as well as UVA and NYU. The VT admissions department can correctly assume I was accepted to colleges with higher prestige. They want the highest caliber of students possible at VT, so they keep doing things like giving me more scholarship money and having current students call me to sway me in the direction of VT.</p>

<p>@ Fermat I was accepted to USC also, but strangely rejected from UCLA (messed up on my essay) I live in southern california. I am choosing Virginia tech over it. What might your stats be?</p>

<p>I also have stats that are far above average for VT. So my question is, would it be in my best interest to hold off and not apply Early Decision, even though I know VT is where I want to go? Would I get more scholarship offers?</p>

<p>Planes42, if it’s your first choice, definitely apply early decision. It will let them know that you absolutely intend on going there, and if you have really strong statistics, you will be a front runner for much of the merit aid. You won’t get more scholarship offers applying RD. You will, if anything, get less. Several of my less qualified friends who applied ED received much more money than I did. </p>

<p>And gorehparkoreh, congratulations on getting accepted to USC. I have no idea why you would travel across the US to attend Virginia Tech when USC is a top-ranked institution that surpasses VT in almost all fields, possibly even engineering. With out of state tuition, I can’t see VT being much cheaper if at all. Also, from a thread you posted: </p>



<p>You got waitlisted at UCSD but accepted at USC? Seems quite unlikely.</p>

<p>@Fermat like I said my essay was all messed up for the UC’s I pasted it wrong and everything was all jumbled. It basically was not even an essay. lol and also I am a USC legacy</p>

<p>And With out of state tuition Virginia tech is still cheaper. Vtech = 28k a year OOS and USC is more than that (I would still have to live on campus) Plus have you visited USC? the area is bleh.</p>

<p>I haven’t visited USC because it’s across the nation, but I can promise that LA is far more interactive and lively than Blacksburg, Virginia. Blacksburg is alright, but LA pretty much has every opportunity you could want as an undergraduate student. I am surprised that VT is cheaper. That 28k figure is including room and board? Did you get a grant or scholarship? Plus, you have to keep in mind that you will be paying hefty travel costs every time you want to go home. Still, VT is a good option, but I can’t imagine choosing it over USC as a California resident. To each his own.</p>

<p>Yeah including room and board. its estimated for OOS to be from 28k -30k without a scholarship for me. I won’t be going home often that is probably why. If I got into UCLA btw I would choose that over Virginia Tech. But USC, the area surrounding it is horrible. Trust me horrible. (not a classy part of town). It is a great school thats true, but I have no money. You will get an excellent education there, though UCLA vs USC I would choose UCLA any day. Also, USC isn’t that hard to get into… of course it is competitive but here in cali everyone applies to UCSD and USC and there are plenty of kids who don’t getinto UCSD but get into USC ( though USC is a better school). It all just depends. Go trojans (in your case)</p>

<p>I won’t be attending USC. The aid just wasn’t good enough, so I’ll be attending UVA. As of this year, USC is more selective than UCLA. USC only admitted 18% this year, putting it at the rate of schools like Johns Hopkins and Cornell. It is also a rising university, and we should expect to see it really jump in the rankings soon, although it is already 23rd.</p>