ED Accepted!!!!

<p>I really hope so. I really have no idea what odds are like after being deferred... is it pretty much like being wait-listed, or what?</p>

<p>I have an Uncle on the admission's board at Tech. I didn't apply but here is some information that he shared with me that you all might be interested in.</p>

<p>For Early Decision..</p>

<p>In State Applicants:
90% Deferred
5% Accepted
5% Denied</p>

<p>Out of State Applicants:
65% Deferred
30% Accepted
5% Denied</p>

<p>With that being said, my uncle said usually about 60% of those who are deferred from IN STATE are admitted RD while only 20-25% of OOS folks are admitted RD. They basically do this to hang on to the OOS tuition since ED is binding and you must attend.</p>

<p>Wow that's quite helpful... gives me hope, thanks for sharing!</p>

<p>I think he meant 1580 out of a 2400 SAT.</p>

<p>Oops sorry. I hadn't read the rest of the posts.</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback. I am hopeful even though we are OOS. Time will tell!
Congrats to those with ED acceptances.
Good luck to all the rest.</p>

<p>ZXZX- deferred is better than waitlisted. Not many come off a waitlist as the schools over accept and count on a large percentage of students declining. Deferred admission gets you into the regular admission pool.</p>

<p>accepted early in state (5% seems low though)</p>

<p>3.8 gpa, 1320 sats 10 on essay</p>

<p>senior classes - AP stat, Ap physics C, Multivariable Calculus/Linear Algebra, Ap Government, English 12, design class, accounting</p>

<p>Ap scores - 4 on Computer Science, and 5 on BC Calc</p>

<p>I think what helped was my essay. Make sure for RD you have a unique essay that doesn't bore the reader. </p>

<p>O yea i forgot, i sent in my first quarter grades to tech for thoose classes UW - 4.0</p>

<p>They recieved 12,500 in state apps for early decision..5% is pretty accurate
Of those 12,500 who were deferred..usually 60% recieve admission.</p>

<p>And also like you said, the essay for Tech can make or break your decison. If you have an outstanding essay, you are more than likely to get in.</p>


<p>I'm actually hokiefan27's father. I'm only guessing that they consider grades more heavily than SAT scores. My daughter was just accepted ED (In state) with SAT scores of 1180 and 1750, but her UW GPA was 4.0 and weighted GPA was 4.54</p>

<p>I am actually Ginger's mother! My experience with admissions for VT and my other kid's college is comparable - it is a crapshoot - sometimes there is no logical explanation for an admission's department's decisions. Our older student had fabulous grades, nearly perfect scores and fantastic essays. The acceptance letters even commented on the great essays. BUT, my older student was denied at two schools which should have been acceptances and was accepted at schools that were "reaches". In the end my older student is so happy at college - it was clearly the perfect match.</p>

<p>Back to VT - my younger student got into VT ED, we are OOS, my student's gpa is about a 3.3, SAT was 2000 and ACT was 31. Very good scores, OK grades from a super competitive school with lots of honors/AP classes, varsity sports, student govt. My student had an excellent essay which was simple, heartfelt and humorous. There is not much one can say in 200 words - I cannot see how anyone could write a boring essay in 200 words. My student's problem was trying to distill the essay DOWN to 200 words - there was so much to say. Also, I take exception to the teacher recommendation comment. Only after my student was accepted and the college counseling office was informed did we learn that the teachers who wrote recommendations were contacted for further information. So they DO read the recommendations. We are thrilled that we will be a Hokie family - cannot wait to go to our first football game.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your daughter! I hope she has a great experience at Virginia Tech. We have been very pleased with the education our son is receiving. The school spirit and atmosphere- even in other times of the year besides the fall football season- are second to none. Best wishes for the rest of her senior year!</p>

<p>Congratulations on your acceptances everyone. I was also accepted ED and will be attending the college of engineering next fall. I am also pumped to be going there b/c I've been a hokie fan all my life. I know just about everything about the football team and am starting to become a basketball fan. Me and my dad got tickets to the VT vrs FSU game on the 21st, and I can't wait to see the passion of the fans. I've been to several football games, but this will be my first basketball game. Just curious, anyone else going to the game?</p>

<p>My son got his acceptance letter today, he has been accepted as a Freshman Cadet. What does that mean? He has applied for AROTC and NROTC scholarships but has not heard from either of them yet.</p>

<p>My son was accepted today with 3.59 UW GPA and 32 ACT.</p>

<p>I applied ED and was deffered. Just got in last friday! 3.64 weighted GPA, 1120/1600 SAT or 1780/2400. Honestly, I was surprised. Extremely happy about it though!</p>

<p>In engineering there are a lot of scholarships available for each specific department. In ISE (my department), every person who applies for a scholarship gets something (min of like $500 I believe to a max of $5000).</p>