Electrical Engineering Answers re: Course Selection from Dr. Haskew

<p>^ right. That’s why he’s thinking of skipping fall and starting with Honors Calc II in the spring.</p>

<p>My older son did this. Didn’t take a math in the fall. </p>

<p>My younger son went ahead and took non-honors Cal II in the fall.</p>

<p>As for skipping both Cal I and II with AP Cal AB…that’s totally up to how the student/family feel about the AP Cal instruction. My kids had a super AP Cal instructor, but I think skipping both might be pushing it.</p>

<p>Cal II is integral calculus (series)</p>

<p>Cal III is multivariable calculus</p>

<p>Chardo - 142 is in place instead of 131, not 111.</p>

<p>My D’s friend had the AP Physics and the requisite SAT scores and he opted to take the ENGR 142 class. He enjoyed it and did very well.</p>

<p>My D took the ENGR 131 course and said it was easy. They class learned Excel and dimensional analysis among other things.</p>

<p>She didn’t have to take ENGR 141 since she is learning those skills in CBH. You do have to petition to omit the course however.</p>

<p>Ok, am I the only one who is a little annoyed that we have to be finding all of these little tricks of the trade from a CC website?!</p>

<p>This is GREAT news on the 142 class. I do not recall seeing this on the website before…yet there it is at the bottom of the FEP. For engineering majors, who have very full schedules, this is HUGE. Why is Honors info not readily available, i.e., a specific listing of all the honors alternatives, and what they are alternatives for, since they have DIFFERENT NUMBERS, or listed as an alternative on the course flowcharts by engineering major? (do the flowcharts need to be updated to reflect honors options?) We simply can’t possibly look up every single course number in the entire engineering catalog and read the descriptions…and piece it all together…</p>

<p>Where do you guys find out these kind of VERY useful insights? Since we do not have physical catalogs anymore, please continue to steer us all in the right direction!</p>

<p>So do you get 2 Honor’s credits for Eng 142? That would be great!</p>


<p>Yes, you would.</p>

<p>I know that there’s some confusion because the new Freshman Engineering Program was a little late in implementation, therefore it didn’t make it into the publication deadline of 2010-12 Undergrad Catalog.</p>

<p>It will surely be in the 2012-13 Catalog.</p>

<p>For most other things, the 10-12 online catalog is accurate. I wish Bama would get the new catalog online. Don’t know what the hold-up is. </p>

<p>Aeromom…I think the honors listing that you want is on the Honors College website, but I don’t think the list specifically says, Honors X is in place of Regular Y, but if you look at the list, it’s kind of self explanatory.</p>

<p><a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/uploads/forms/Current%20Students/201240%20Departmental%20Honors%20Courses.pdf[/url]”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/uploads/forms/Current%20Students/201240%20Departmental%20Honors%20Courses.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Looks like the only way to know was to read that one section which fortunately I found before my S did his schedule. Also, doesn’t say it is Honors but it is included in the Honors section of his Degreeworks. He did not get that extra hour immediately so if your S/D takes it, don’t stress, it will show up magically the next semester. ( My son had already heard that so we didn’t stress).</p>

<p>I knew about the 142 class but I can’t for the life of me figure out how. I do have it on S’s schedule. Would there be any reason NOT to take 142 if he qualifies? Is it much more difficult than the 131/141 series?</p>

<p>RTRMom2-Son had no problem with this class, made an A. Had a friend who took 131, it was so hard for him he dropped it and changed majors…Not sure who either teacher was but maybe that was the difference. Most of these 1 hr ENG classes don’t assign teachers until later.</p>

<p>Can anyone confirm that there is no Honors ENG111 or any other option for ENG111? I don’t see one but am not confident at all I have checked every single place possible.</p>

<p>I don’t think there is an honors version of ENG111. </p>

<p>For CS majors, I did seen an honors section for CS150, although it looks like it is almost full. Actually, it looks like all the current CS150 sections are full…I am guessing they will open up more at BamaBound? (Don’t quite know how to come up with a schedule with all the CS150 courses full.)</p>

<p>One more question - after looking at the campus map, I’m wondering if it’s possible to get from a class in Lloyd Hall to one in HM Comer in the 10 minutes allowed between classes? We can change the section of class in HM Comer if needed.</p>

<p>Yes, you can get to HM Comer from Lloyd in 10 minutes…it would take about 5 minutes.</p>

<p>Ok, I’m just wondering with all of the discussion about calculus about 1 thing: why doesn’t UA offer HONORS Calc II in the Fall (nor HONORS Calc III in the Spring)? Surely there would be a ton of Honors kids who, based on their AP Calc results, want to skip just Calc I, but not both I and II?</p>

<p>How much different are the ‘regular’ calc classes compared to the honors ones? </p>

<p>If S wanted to skip Calc I (because of his AP BC results), he would have to take both regular Calc II (Fall 2012) and regular Calc III (Spring 2013), instead of honors classes in each. He definitely does NOT want to repeat Calc I (and he really doesn’t want to repeat Calc II either, but I’m just trying to explore options, given the professor’s notes way back on page 1 of this thread!)…so, his only choices are to take ‘regular’ Calc II in Fall…OR not take calculus at all, and pick up w/ HONORS Calc II in Spring? Any other suggestions?!</p>

<p>That’s a question that gets asked every year and we don’t seem to know the answer.</p>

<p>As for the difference. … My older son didn’t take a math his fall semester so that he could take Honors Cal II in the spring. What he noticed is that for honors, homework was optional (at least for his prof). I guess the thinking was that if you know what you were taught, you didn’t have to do the homework. If you felt like you needed to do it for reinforcement, you could do some/all of the homework. </p>

<p>As for differences in difficulty…it’s hard for a student who is taking Honors Cal to know how much different it is from the non-honors version…since he’s not in that class. </p>

<p>I’m guessing that honors moves more quickly?</p>

<p>I don’t know of much difference between the honors and regular calculus classes and would say that if a student would be able to fulfill UHP requirements without taking honors calculus, then they should feel free to take the regular sections. Many top math students end up not taking the honors sections of calculus and still do excellent in future math courses.</p>

<p>As for homework, it really depends on the instructor. My regular Calc II course did not have homework or attendance and our grade was either a combination of our test scores or, if higher, just our score on the final exam. In contrast, my regular Calc III course had required homework and attendance.</p>

<p>Remember that students don’t need to take the honors section of every course. Many of my most enjoyable courses at UA have been regular courses where the instructor was friendly and engaged the students in a way that worked for all types of students.</p>