Electrical Engineering Answers re: Course Selection from Dr. Haskew

<h2>I had asked some questions specific to my S’s situation as an incoming EE student with AP credit in Physics B, Physics C, Calc BC, Chem and transfer credit from PLTW. Below are his answers, which I thought were so helpful. I asked him to assume S got 4s on the tests.</h2>

<p>· A 4 in AP Chemistry will count for CH 101. I recommend using the AP credit and not taking chemistry. We only require one chemistry course, so building a network and interactions in that topic is of little consequence.</p>

<p>· A 4 in AP Calculus BC will count for MATH 125 and 126. I would suggest starting at UA in either 125 or 126, but not bypassing both. If XXX is highly confident in derivatives and single integrals of anything we could throw at him, then 126 would be fine. However, there is opportunity to form teams with peers and travel through the curriculum with a fixed group if he starts in 125. The key consideration is that you don’t want him to get bored if he starts in 125. While the decision is ultimately yours, I think that starting in 125 is a safe bet while adjusting to college life, but starting in 126 is fine as well, provided that XXX is completely confident in his mastery of the beginning calculus material.</p>

<p>· Regarding the physics, I would make a similar argument to the math. The AP Physics B does not carry credit that is applicable to our curriculum because it is not calculus based. However, a score of 4 in AP Physics C does carry credit for PH 105, which we require. It is important to recognize that the PH 106 is most relevant to the ECE curriculum.</p>

<p>· I would suggest that, perhaps XXX could skip over either MATH 125 or PH 105, but take the other here at UA. That way, he could be in at least one class with those starting at the same time, and yet still reap some of the AP benefits. I would also bypass CH 101. If he wishes to meet with me during BamaBound, a discussion may help us formalize a decision on these issues.</p>

<p>· If XXX wishes to skip ENGR 111, he can petition the department to use his RIT credit in place of ENGR 111. I have discussed this with Dr. Cordes, and we have no problem with that. However, they do some fairly interesting things in 111 that he may enjoy. I would most likely take the credit though, and jump up into the next string of ENGR courses.</p>

<p>Great information! Thanks so much!</p>

<h1>i· If XXX wishes to skip ENGR 111, he can petition the department to use his RIT credit in place of ENGR 111. I have discussed this with Dr. Cordes, and we have no problem with that. However, they do some fairly interesting things in 111 that he may enjoy. I would most likely take the credit though, and jump up into the next string of ENGR courses.</h1>

<p>This would be a tough call. On one hand, he can get credit, but I think this class also serves as an icebreaker for making new friends in Frosh Eng’g.</p>

<p>My S doesn’t want to skip the Eng. 111 or the Physics. We are yet undecided on what level of math. I think we’ll wind up speaking to someone in the math dept. for that. Will there be anyone for guidance at BB or should we try to contact someone now?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t wait til BB. At BB, the answer is always “take Cal I”.</p>

<p>If your son gets at least a 4 on BC, then skip Cal I.</p>

<p>In our case, the question is not between 125 and 126, it’s does he skip 126? We have a very rigorous HS Calc teacher who prides himself on the number of kids who get 5s, Our HS teacher says my S would be bored silly in 125 and that he should know all of 126 but it’s my S’s judgement call. I think he should go for 126 while he adjusts to college life, he thinks he’ll be bored with 126.</p>

<p>Try to get a syllabus for Calc 2 and 3. You can look at the calculus book at the UA bookstore while at BB. See if that helps you decide.</p>

<p>FWIW, my D took AP Calc AB and BC. Received 5’s and took the credit for Calc 1. She is glad she took Calc 2. It was an easy A, she wasn’t bored, and it helps sync the course with Physics 105. She says she could have skipped Calc 2. I like the fact that she made an A in the course.</p>

<p>Thanks, Cuttlefish, your D sounds like she was in the same spot as my S. Would your D happen to still have her syllabus? I would much prefer to have a decision before BB so that we can have a better idea of a schedule going into BB.</p>

<p>Here is part of the syllabus. My D had Jon Corson for MATH 126 and liked him very much.</p>


  1. Students will develop a basic understanding of two- and three-dimensional vectors, the geometry of the plane and space, and be able to apply these concepts when working applied problems.<br>
  2. Students will learn various techniques of integration including integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, and partial fractions decomposition.<br>
  3. Students will acquire basic skills needed to apply integration techniques to solve a wide range of integration problems.<br>
  4. Students will develop a basic understanding of infinite series and their applications.
  5. Students will learn how to use parametric equations and polar coordinates.</p>

<p>TEXT: Essential Calculus (Early Transcendentals) AUTHOR: Stewart
PUBLISHER: Brooks/Cole </p>

10 Vectors and the Geometry of Space (cover sections 10.1 –10.5)
3 Indeterminate Forms and L’Hospital’s Rule (cover section 3.7)
6 Techniques of Integration
7 Applications of Integration (cover sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.6)
8 Series
9 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates (9.5 optional)</p>

<p>CALCULATOR: No calculators or electronic devices of any type will be allowed on exams. However, you will need a calculator for many of the homework and recitation assignments.</p>

<p>My son had both AP Calc and Physics credit but it was recommended in the engineering dept at another school that he not skip those classes because it is so important to have a good base. He opted for Honors Calc I first semester and then regular Physics with Calc last semester. He was glad, friends who went straight into Calc II had to drop.</p>

<p>My son is in the exact situation–EE with AP credits and PLTW from RIT. Problem we are finding is if he skips to Math 126, there are no classes available in the fall (at least that was the case when he last looked). He is considering not taking any math in the fall, then starting with 125 in spring. He plans to take Eng 111 to make friends and likely get an easy A.</p>

<p>Chardo - we are hoping there are spots in 126 held open for incoming freshman. Maybe someone can confirm this?</p>

<p>They’ve been adding little by little to those math classes - they started at 15 seats at the beginning of course selection and more seats have been released over time. They’re all still well below where they’ve been in prior semesters, so I’ve got to think they’re going to release another 30 seats or so in each of those MATH 126 classes. I have no personal knowledge, but it only makes sense.</p>

<p>I think he meant honors calc. I assume honors classes are smaller?</p>

<p>There are no sections of Honors Calc II offered in the fall, if that is the question. I already asked this in another thread.</p>

<p>^ right. That’s why he’s thinking of skipping fall and starting with Honors Calc II in the spring.</p>

<p>Not sure if all classes are smaller but Honors Calc I was. He also took ENG 142, it is an “honors-type” version of ENG 131 and if you pass you get an extra credit plus it counts towards honors class requirements. My son ended up with 7.5 honors credits his first semester.</p>

<p>^ I’m confused. I see regular versions of ENG 131 and Honors ENG 131. My S was going to sign up for an Honors version of ENG 131. Now I read this about ENG 142 - which I am very glad to have read - just a bit bewildered how are we supposed to know there are these other sections of the “same” class.</p>

<p>I am glad you mentioned the ENGR 142. I had forgotten about it since my D did not have the AP Physics part.</p>

<p>[Courses</a> - Freshman Engineering Program - The College of Engineering - UA](<a href=“Freshman Engineering Program – Students | The University of Alabama”>Freshman Engineering Program – Students | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>ENGR 142 is a course designed for students with a 28 or higher on the ACT (or 1240 or higher on the SAT) who also have AP Physics credit. It covers the content of ENGR 131 and 141 in one course. Students successfully completing the course receive one hour of credit for ENGR 142 plus one additional hour of ENGR credit. It is similar to taking EN 103 and getting credit for EN 101 and EN 102.</p>

<p>^ so would this be recommended for someone with AP physics and PLTW engineering background, or is it better to start with 111?</p>