Emerging Scholar Scholarship

So I am in ESP, and people who are in ESP program get extra 150$ scholarship per semester.

Right now I am trying to pay for online program codes, and I thought maybe I could request to receive scholarship earlier so that I can have full access to OWL2 and Webassign.

So I talked to Dr. Shreves, a new coordinator of ESP, and she said that if I don’t have any outstanding balances in my account, I should be able to get a check from Student Receivables.

But I talked to student receivables, and they said they won’t send a check to me until March because I am in Bama Plan!(March being the last month to pay remaining cost). What should I do??? I am super stressed that I have to deal everything on my own…:frowning:

Paul - I had heard that the Student Government Association gives short-term, small loans to help students. You might want to check that out. Best wishes!

Oh yeah i heard about that. I am also applying for their need based scholarship. They said ALL students are given equal opportunities so I am hoping for some lucks.

P.S. I applied for Supe Store assistance job and flat out got rejected 10 seconds after I submitted the app because I don’t have work experience. Dang

Ask your family for help.

UA is not going to issue a refund because you still owe them (or the payment plan provider) money. If you paid your bill right now, they could issue a refund within a couple days.

This is where budgeting becomes essential. One needs to make sure that they have enough money available to afford necessary items. Circumstances of ones budget may not mean that one can always get the best deal on items or be able to afford certain items if the price increased too much.

It’s likely that your family is going to get a $150 credit after paying the remaining amount of money you owe. Can they load you the money in the mean time? This is also a time when responsible use of a credit card could help a lot. If for example you have half of the money, your parent could purchase the codes with their credit card and you could pay them back. Credit cards give a certain period of time, called a grace period, before any interest is charged.

Yup, managed to get money from my mom today, fortunately.