Emerging Scholars changes

Looks like he Emmerging Scholars program is changing: http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/new-emerging-scholars-program-for-fall-2016/
And only 30 students will be chosen for Fall 2016 – has anyone heard anything else about this? The website isn’t very informative about what the new program will be.

WOW, that is a huge change. It sounds like perhaps they may be reducing the number of students and eliminating the deferral option for the 2016 Freshman EMSP class, all in an effort to avoid legacy students in the “old” program when they cut over to the “new” program in the Spring?

I suppose that the silver lining is that Emerging Scholars Program won’t be limited to just Freshmen, so you can technically apply a second cycle if you don’t make it as a Freshman?