Engineers Dorms?

<p>I have been admitted into the school of engineering, and could not find anything that had something to do with the learning communities on the housing link that was sent to me from UW. How do I indicate that I want to be part of an engineering community and what would the name of this dorm or complex be called if there is one? I would basically like to know how you indicate that you want to be roomed with other people in your major.</p>

<p>There’s no engineering dorm. You can’t really indicate that you want to be with people from your major, sorry. Lakeshore dorms would be closer to engineering buildings, but you may not have that many classes in those buildings as a freshman anyway. Just pick a dorm you personally like, there are lots of older threads that should help you decide.</p>

<p>I think there is just one for women in eng.</p>

<p>Your dorm won’t matter. Pre-engineering majors don’t sleep! They’re studying so they can eventually get admitted to their program!</p>

<p>Then I guess that everyone here might agree that getting a dorm in the Lakeshore area would be my best bet. I know the other dorms get a little rowdy and might not be the best place to focus on work, especially with engineering. And with Lakeshore being closer to the engineering buildings that could also work to my benefit. Thank you for the feedback, just trying to set myself up for success.</p>

<p>I was just goof’n with ya. I don’t think you can go wrong with any of the dorms, but I’ve heard that Lakeshore is a little quieter.</p>

<p>Remember, you were admitted to the university as a whole. Your freshman classes will be in L&S and scattered throughout the campus. You will be with math and science majors in the introductory classes. It doesn’t matter where on campus you live for academics. Choose the dorm which best suits you for relaxing evenings and weekends. For some it is the dynamic/party atmosphere. For others it is being able to escape to a quiet place. It easier to get away to the quiet on the lakeshore and easier to get to the action of State St from the Southeast dorms. Consider how your parents chose your home- suburban/small town living or in the middle of a city. UW has many diverse options that suit many personalities as well as keeping all dorms maintained and with comparable amenities. Think beyound your major and look for what most appeals to you the person. No special dorms for various majors. Likewise no special Honors dorms. You are more than your academic self.</p>

<p>Also, the Southeast dorms are a perfectly acceptable place to study. Most people here both work and play hard.</p>