Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Anyone know when applicants typically find out whether or not they've been accepted? I applied the first of September!</p>

<p>I’ve heard early December. is TCU your top choice</p>

<p>Everyone who applied early action will hear back by January 1, though I don’t know exactly when they start rolling out decisions.
I applied too - good luck! I hope you get in!</p>

<p>Last year early action came ~ December 15th.</p>

<p>wow. are the spring admissions that late too? i applied early action but knowing if im accepted or not by mid December seems kind of late.</p>

<p>Yes, Early Action decisions came in mid-to-late December. Scholarships came about two weeks after that.</p>

<p>Any “noise” out there yet regarding notifications? Just to be sure…is this what to expect: We will see a change on the TCU EDU site first, then a letter in the mail?</p>

<p>well, my Spring Admission decision has just been mailed. or so says the website.</p>

<p>Thank for the update, and Good Luck to you!</p>

<p>good luck to all of you. I applied late september and still have not heard from them. Anyone else here from Minnesota?</p>

<p>Thanks for the information, guys! And nope, I’m from Texas :)</p>

<p>Sent from my MB860 using CC App</p>

<p>Probably reading too much into this, but received a Happy Holidays card from TCU yesterday. Some of the wording: We look forward to working with you throughout the next semester. You can get a jump on what life is like as a Horned Frog by visiting us in 2012… Thoughts??? Do you suppose they send this to all applicants or could this be a sign?? Oh, the waiting:)</p>

<p>I got that too! On the website it says they’ve sent a decision to my house…so maybe it’s a sign?</p>

<p>They’ve sent my decision too! Now to wait…</p>

<p>Sent my decision as well…waiting…do you guys know if they will post the acceptances online first? or how long it will take to get to our homes in the mail?</p>

<p>Is the website notification the TCU EDU site? Did “Your application is complete, ______” change it’s wording? If so, when did that happen?</p>

<p>im not sure when it changed, but i logged on today and it was different it said : “Benjamin, an admission decision has been sent to your mailing address.”</p>

<p>Thanks, and GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>I saw mine on Monday night, but I don’t know if it changed that day or earlier than that (I know it changed sometime between Friday and Monday).
Unfortunately I don’t think it’ll change online because if it did I would think it would have already.
I live in Dallas, so my mail should be coming any day now. I’ll let y’all know when I get it!</p>

<p>Got my envelope today! It says “congratulations” on it so I think I’m in (haven’t actually opened it yet)! </p>

<p>Note: I live literally one hour away from TCU, so guess your arrival time accordingly. </p>

<p>Good luck everyone! Go Frogs!</p>