Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Would you be able to post your stats? My TCU status hasn’t changed yet and I am getting a little nervous!</p>

<p>Has anybody’s status changed from your admission decision has been sent to your mailing address?</p>

<p>My daughters admission status still says your application is complete and we are reviewing…we are out of state, Washington State to be exact. I’m wondering what locations you are from, maybe out of state will take longer? Thanks, and good luck to you all!</p>

<p>@benjamin223: nope
@tlburres: depends on when the app was sent - I sent mine Oct. 26.
@Liz2012: here you go. </p>

<p>White female
Just under top 10%
4.171 GPA out of 5.0 (don’t know unweighted)</p>

<p>Five AP tests to date: Physics B (3), Chem (4), APUSH (4), Eng Lang (4), WHAP (2)</p>

<p>Senior schedule:
AP Gov/Econ
AP Eng Lit
AP Stat
AP Latin
AP Calc BC</p>

<p>SAT: 2160 super-scored
ACT: 32</p>

Latin Club historian, VP, pres (10, 11, 12)
UIL Math and Science 10-12
Community Service clubs 9-12
220+ service hours
Numerous awards from UIL and Latin competitions
Music camp counselor 3 years
NHS 11-12
My Alpha Theta 12
Latin NHS 12
Lots of service projects</p>

<p>@MWcollege12: Thanks, my daughter sent hers in 10/31. BTW, very nice stats and Congratulations!</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>

<p>I just got my envelope today, I almost went insane at seeing “Congratulations!”</p>

<p>Wait I’m freaking out… I haven’t gotten a letter yet! My status says “We’ve sent a decision to your mailing address.” I live in Houston…do yall think I might get it tomorrow? I didn’t get a Christmas card either…my stomach feels like I’m on a roller coaster right now…</p>

<p>Tyegxox, it seems like only people living in or near Fort Worth received their letters today. I also live in Houston, have the same status, and I didn’t receive a letter or a Happy Holidays card yet. I wouldn’t worry. Just sit tight and hope for the best! I’ve heard they update the MY TCU EDU status on the website after a few days, so you may find out there first.</p>

<p>Talk about stress…hearing about the status changes really has me worried. There has been no change to the MY TCU EDU site from “Your application is complete”…BUT, we received the Scholarship, Tuition brochure and Happy Holidays card! It would seem unlikely they would mail those to people they are not accepting. Thoughts?? Wish the status would change!</p>

<p>To all those who are wondering about the happy holidays card and tuition brochure, I am positive it has NOTHING to do with the school’s preference or admissions desicion on you. I received both and the only thing I have submitted is the general application and SAT scores. I plan to submit the rest of my materials by the end of the week! Dont worry!*</p>

<p>Looks like they just updated MY TCU EDU and I’m in!! Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I’m in too!!! YAY!!</p>

<p>Yee-Haw! Accepted too!</p>

<p>Yeah accepted!!</p>

<p>Got my letter! Go Frogs!</p>

<p>Congrats!! Where do you live? My S lives in Tennessee and is anxiously awaiting word. How did you learn of your acceptance? Via website or mail?</p>

<p>Oops! I just noticed you live in Texas. Has anyone outside of Texas received notification yet?</p>

<p>I’m from California, found out today by emailing my admission rep.</p>

<p>Congrats!! Does that mean there was no status change on your website and you just decided to email your rep? Maybe my S should try that…</p>