Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>im from minnesota and havent heard of anything yet! Hopefully hearing something today!</p>

<p>The decisions typically roll out over a few days, and those who live closest to Fort Worth will hear first. Sit tight! I know it is so hard, but everyone who applied EA should hear within the next few days. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>I’m guessing i wont hear from them probably untill next week. They haven’t changed the MY TCU page for me yet. Just being pacient</p>

<p>they havent changed my page yet either… this is so stressful! haha has anybody else not had the status change to say that the letter has been sent?</p>

<p>My admissions status still says that they are reviewing my application. I emailed my rep and she told me that they are still making decisions and everyone will know by January 1st.</p>

<p>Go my acceptance packet today in AZ. No scholarship info though.</p>


<p>they said the same thing about my app. but hopefully i hear soon. too much stress. comment once you hear something new!</p>

<p>Stay positive! Do you live out of state? I live in New York but I am not sure if that may be the reason for the delay. I’ll be sure to post if I hear anything else or if my status changes.</p>

<p>Has anyone from Oklahoma heard back from TCU?</p>

<p>Sent from my MB860 using CC App</p>

<p>Daughter was accepted today! We are in CT!</p>

<p>Woo Hooo! We’re from California and daughter got the big purple acceptance package with “Congratulations!” on the outside of the envelope. Very very happy over here. Good luck to y’all! (guess we’ll have to get used to that TX drawl thang now)</p>

<p>obviously she applied early action, but when did she submit her application?</p>

<p>We live in Oklahoma - My daughter received a packet in the mail day before yesterday. (It was good news!)</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone! :slight_smile: I am feeling really anxious… my status says they have sent an admission decision in the mail but it’s been like that for a few days now. I live a few hours south down in Houston.</p>

<p>im from texas, but i think they might be going alphabetically for some areas because my last name is smith and nobody with the last name of an S and on has been accepted that i know of. i called admissions today just to check up and they told me that a dicision has not been made yet and they are still working on everything. lets pray i dont get wait listed… i love tcu and would be crushed if i dont get in.</p>

<p>Sewinterstein: She applied Early Action on Oct 28th and received acceptance in the mail (in CA) on Dec 9th.</p>

<p>I applied EA on September 30… :O</p>

<p>and claysmith: I also live in Texas and two people who go to my high school have been accepted with last names beginning with R and S. My last name starts with B.</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone! Keep you eyes open on Facebook for a TCU Class of 2016 page. It’s a great way to get to know each other. It should be live soon.</p>

<p>(Finally) accepted!!! YAY! :)</p>

<p>Sent from my MB860 using CC App</p>

<p>Still waiting… Ahh this sucks I want to get in! Nothing has changed on my website either</p>