Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>When will my online portal change?! Ugh, the wait is excruciating! They emailed me last friday and said that a mail has been sent to me. One of my friends was rejected and they sent him an email so, if I didn’t get the email was I accepted?</p>

<p>Has anyone heard anything today from TCU???</p>

<p>nothing in the mail again for me, my deferred response letter said I would be notified by Feb 28 :(</p>

<p>I’m not sure how much stock I’d put into the portal status changing. My child was accepted in December and it changed from accepted to “a decision has been mailed.”</p>

<p>Talked to admissions today. The ED II decisions may take up to 9 more days to come out.</p>

<p>What about the RD people? I live in Ghana, I was speaking to an admissions person through e-mail. Are THEY allowed to tell you when you have been accepted or not?
The wait is seriously unbearable. -_-</p>

<p>Just logged onto MYTCU and it says that a decision has been sent!!</p>

<p>I also just checked and a decision has been sent to me also.</p>

<p>Hi All - We live in PA and my daughters “YES” was in todays mail! So happy!</p>

<p>I was told recently by the admissions office that I would probably be waitlisted because my chosen major, biology, was extremely competitive. Just found out I’m IN!! Phew…what a relief.</p>

<p>D wait listed w/ 4.18 gpa, 1860 SAT, huge ec, tons of volunteer hours. huh? (undeclared major)</p>

<p>Hi everybody! I applied to tcu kind of late because I found out about the school late (regret having not known earlier) ANYWAYS, I applied the end of January I think. Which is before the feb 15 deadline but it seems like most people applied much earlier. Anyone know if that reduces chances of admission? Also, should letters be sent soon. I’m hearing that people’s my tcu changed. Is that an indication that they are all coming soon? Thanks!</p>

<p>Rejected from TCU!
I feel horrible. :(</p>

<p>A good friend and I decided to make it our goal to go to tcu, but I didn’t get in, and she got waitlisted.
I was really shocked, I thought she was going to get in!
She has a 4.0, top 10%, 1680 SAT, 27 ACT, Dance team for three years and pretty decent extra curriculars. I think it might have been the major she applied into.</p>

<p>MannyR718: sorry about your news. What major did your friend apply to?</p>

<p>she put pre-dental and biology as her first two majors, mine were both in the communication school.</p>

<p>What does it say on the my.tcu site if you’re waitlisted?</p>

<p>Yes, TCU evaluates and sends out admission decisions in a fluid manner, and unlike many other schools which keep all applications for final review in March and send out all decisions at the same time. I would encourage those of who with high stats to contact admissions ask where to address a letter of reconsideration and submit one on Monday. Include Fall semester grades, any new awards, a new letter of recommendation from a teacher, etc.</p>

<p>Was just wait listed today. My admission status on my tcu never changed I just got a letter today. If you click on “admission” on the left side of your screen and then if it says “admission response decision” (or something like that) and click on it it will say you were wait listed. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>maliaka1015: I am so sorry to hear that. God has other plans for you and I wish you the best in wherever those plans take you.</p>