Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Oh my gosh oh my gosh I applied as a transfer student early action last Wednesday and today my.tcu portal changed from application complete to “An Admission Decision Has Been Sent To Your Mailing Address”!!! That was sooo fast, I didn’t expect them to decide so quickly. Is that a good sign, or bad? :confused: (I live in Fort Worth so I should get a letter tomorrow hopefully)</p>

<p>Aaaah I got in!!! Go frogs!!! :D</p>

<p>Deferred is NOT the same thing as waitlisted. Hopefully those who got deferred have a much better chance of getting in than someone off of a college’s waitlist. My daughter did EA and had a 3.57 GPA and a 31 ACT with quite a bit of community service & activities along with a rec letter from our mayor and got deferred. We were quite surprised but she goes to a very competitive public high school in Houston with MANY other TCU applicants. Most of her classmates who applied EA got deferred. Only the top ones got accepted.</p>

<p>When I saw the a decision has been mailed I thought my s. was admitted. Found out a few days later he was not. :frowning: So be sure and wait the few days. Good luck to everyone.</p>

<p>libertymom3- I received my honors college invitation several days ago, but I have heard that they are coming in rather slowly… Some people got theirs almost a month ago.</p>

<p>Got my acceptance letter in December, the day before Christmas :slight_smile: Didn’t get into the Honors College like I’d hoped, but what can you do?</p>

<p>Does TCU send out scholarship information with the initial acceptance package, or does that come later?</p>

<p>Scholarship comes later.</p>

<p>Anyone try to log on to mytcu today and get the message that their password is invalid? I am assuming this means I am about to be rejected. Would have been nice to be notified before discovering it this way.</p>

<p>Hey habc12: It just means you have had your password for more than three months. I was accepted but ran into the same problem. I had to contact their IT department and they walked me through the process of getting a new password. keep the faith.</p>

<p>Thanks AZ, feeling better now.</p>

<p>I’m going to tcu because I thought it would be a great place to meet people and it offers a great education. Is it a bad idea to go there not knowing anybody?</p>

<p>Does anyone know what happens to your my.tcu of you are wait listed? Do you only receive a letter in the mail?</p>

<p>jayden94, TCU has Frog Camp for all incoming students, which is a way to meet tons of people. You can sign up as soon as you send your deposit. Here is the link: [Frog</a> Camp](<a href=“http://www.frogcamp.tcu.edu/index.asp]Frog”>http://www.frogcamp.tcu.edu/index.asp). I highly recommend that you attend one of them. You will also have to sign up for an orientation session, where you will have the chance to meet another bunch of people through different small group meetings that TCU arranges and the overnight stay on campus. If possible attend either one of those early in the summer. Great friendships are created and thanks to Facebook, by the time school starts, you will already know tons of people.<br>
Greek life and Clubs are also other ways to meet more people. Let’s not forget football games too!!! TCU’s community is extremely friendly, have no fear. You are making a great decision. D. was in your shoes last year and she absolutely loves it and has tons of great friends there and could not wait to go back after Xmas break.</p>

<p>Has anyone else’s status not changed?</p>

<p>I heard today from another mom who called TCU, that they would find out March 1st. Yesterday my D’s page changed and the link that said “application decision response” (about her accepting their deferred decision) is gone! I’m assuming that is not good news! There wasn’t anything in it’s place.</p>

<p>I was deferred from EA also. I just checked my page on MYTCU and the link that said “application decision response” is gone for me as well. Maybe it’s just something that they do for everyone that was deferred? By now everyone who was deferred probably sent in their first semester grades. Good luck to your daughter.</p>

<p>Still waiting to hear for ED II. Mytcu page still says application being reviewed…Is this the case for others as well?</p>

<p>@liz2012 check appliaction doc summary, it should show defer response and Fall grades instead,
@aro1060z, my front page says “your application is complete and we are reviewing your application” my defer letter says they will notify by feb 28 but i dont know what method they will use. I’m trying for Nursing.</p>

My page also states “your application is complete and we are reviewing…” but I have received neither a deferral letter nor a denial letter as of yet.</p>

<p>Please, I’d really like if someone chanced me just to see what’s up?
Well, actually it would be a bit too late seeing that they have already sent a decision. But I am so nervous ! Texas A&M also did some weird stuff. My scores never arrived there and I had to write an appeal to they could read my application but the denied my appeal. I am a texan citizen living in Ghana at the moment. So my only texan school left is TCU. Hopefully its good news! :)</p>