Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>I can see no reason why you didn’t gain admission. I would speak to your guidance counselor. Ask your counselor to rate you relative to others in your HS. Good luck</p>

<p>I have no knowledge of the state of this year’s postponed students, but the previous two years the postponed people I knew and from what I read last year, didn’t hear anything until March/April. If a postponed decisioin was issued for applicants that applied before Nov 1st, the final decision wasn’t made after the Admissions Office reviewed applicants that submitted between Nov 1st and Feb 1st so there’s was a complete picture of the applicant pool. Admissions also gets an early read for how many of the first wave of accepted applicants accept the offer.</p>

<p>I was also postponed and wondering if the decisions will be rolling like how they were for ea applicants</p>

<p>Do we have to send midyear grades if we’ve been accepted but haven’t accepted the offer yet</p>

<p>Maybe if WI had not elected such an anti-UW government UW would have the funds to hire people to do more hand-holding. You get what you pay for. Complain to Walker et al.They are making the best of a bad situation. That’s why they will be taking more OOS in the future.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice! We just started the process with our high school counselor.</p>

<p>BTW, Barrons…not sure if this has anything to do with Walker or state politics…I have closely watched UW-Madison travel down their current path, on a fairly unfettered basis, under both Republican and Democratic governors…construction activity on campus has been pretty constant for the past decade, therefore both students and taxpayers will be required to pay for the additional educational and related services that they receive (IS or OOS).</p>

<p>Most of the new construction has been either dorms which pay for themselves through the rent charged and new ones will be far more energy efficient than the old ones being replaced. </p>

<p>The other new construction is mostly related to the research being done and these are being funded primarily by the rent charged to the research funds, donations to support the new buildings, and some state funds. Again these are far more efficient to operate and can do more up to date research as required to compete for the research funds. Labs and classrooms get piggy-backed onto these facilities but most of the reason they are getting built is research funding. Typically 45% of the research grant goes to the UW to pay for operating the facilities. This is a huge boon to the UW and helps replace the operating underfunding from the state. Yes the state had been more likely to supply building funds than operating funds because it makes lots of people happy–construction cos, const. workers, suppliers etc. But that is now ebbing.</p>

<p>I only mentioned Walker because he is the current Gov. It has also been the case under Doyle and others before him.</p>

<p>You can view all the recent construction here and see the sources of funds. Only funds labeled GFSB are state tax funds. Rest are UW generated income funds and gifts.</p>

<p><a href=“https://fpm-www3.fpm.wisc.edu/cpd/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=R4qIW8UZZnk%3D&tabid=189&mid=1373[/url]”>https://fpm-www3.fpm.wisc.edu/cpd/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=R4qIW8UZZnk%3D&tabid=189&mid=1373&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Accepted! Check stats posted earlier! Congrats everyone who got it :)</p>

<p>were you postponed or reg decision and when did you post your mid year grades</p>

<p>I’m going to be a junior level transfer and I got my admit letter/email on Wednesday of this week.</p>

<p>@queondaaqui , when did you apply ?! Could you tell me your GPA and major?</p>

<p>Hi Kio, I submitted my application in October and finished sending transcripts in early January or late December. My GPA was around a 3.8 at a similar school. I applied for nursing but was admitted to the “pre-nursing” major as the nursing school has a separate app process. I think they are definitely still sending out acceptances for a while- the website says you won’t necessarily be notified until late April or so, so if you applied, don’t stress about not getting a letter yet! :)</p>

<p>Anyone who applied after Nov. 1st heard back?</p>

<p>DS received a $2000 academic scholarship for the College of Engineering today - very happy - as Madison is not known for being generous with $$ for merit (he’s also a NMF). </p>

<p>Most of of his friends who applied after Nov. 1 that have heard, wait list, acceptance, or denied.</p>

<p>When are they saying postponed students will hear back?</p>

<p>i havent heard back but i got a couple of weird packages that looked like some sort of booklet about UW</p>

<p>My son and my nephew were both accepted on Friday night, after originally being postponed in late January.</p>

<p>Both had a 3.6 UW gpa, lots of AP classes, in state, one had an ACT of 31, the other a 26. Both are legacy.</p>

<p>Appears some decisions are coming out now. UW posting Tweets from accepted students.</p>

<p>if any1 gets their decision on friday plz post it here</p>