Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>My son just heard tonight that he was admitted; applied for engineering. OOS, 3.6 US GPA, 4.5 weighted; 33 ACT, 2200 SAT; good extracurriculars. Very happy!</p>

<p>My daughter got her acceptance tonight. It was a long 3 months of waiting. She applied to the engineering program.</p>

OOS - Illinois
GPA: 4.3 weighted/3.92 unweighted
Class Rank: 15/557
ACT: 31
Lots of EC’s : VP of NHS, Illinois State Scholar, Volunteer at local Hospital, Community Service Club, Anti-Bullying Club, plus a few more little odds and ends.</p>

<p>She is thrilled right now! This is her top choice school and where she will probably be attending next Fall!</p>

<p>Got denied tonight</p>

3.15 GPA at a school which follows a 93-100 86-92 scale, converted to a 3.6 at a public school. Point being it’s not bad by any means
33 ACT (35 SS)
Better than average EC’s
4 AP’s all rest honors (except junior year spanish)
My AP english teacher said my essay was “the best college essay she has ever read” so if that helps decide anything there
I read my letters of rec and they were actually very nice</p>

<p>Why I got denied? I literally could not tell you, a bit shattered currently</p>

<p>@crazymom123 all my app materials were in by mid November and I got a decision last week. But then again I’m in-state so the notification time might be different for your area. Jan. 31st is coming up so I don’t think you should worry yet.</p>

<p>Congrats to all those that got accepted. :)</p>

<p>My sympathy to all of those who were denied. I hope that an equal or better match will be offered to you in the next few months.:(</p>

<p>To others, like my D, who received notice of postponement…does anyone know when they will make their final decision? Do they have to wait until the end of March to find out with the students who applied by the Second Fall Notification deadline?</p>

<p>My son was accepted tonight. Very exciting!!</p>

<p>^ mommeleh. I am glad you posted. I was hoping to hear good news from a fellow PNW. My D got postponed. I know that I am far more upset than she is. This school was the one pick that I got to put on her list because I thought it would be a great place to attend college. She is more interested in going to sunnier climes and for those we are still waiting. Is your S going to attend UW-Mad or is he still waiting to hear from some others?</p>

<p>^ Still waiting for a bunch more, although wisconsin is high on the list. We have such a confusingly long list of schools that my son doesn’t seem to be showing much preference for any particular one. We will have to visit to see what he thinks. And if he does attend, he will have to give up his PNW ways and learn how to put on a jacket :)</p>

<p>Hope your daughter gets into Madison,but I can certainly understand her desire to go somewhere sunny. I know I would much prefer that! We do have some CA schools on the list.</p>

<p>^mommeleh…I have a feeling that I will “see” you on other boards once we get closer to the decision dates of the other schools. I told my S who is a senior at “our UW” that his sister was deferred and he said that she probably wouldn’t want to attend school in the tundra anyway. Funny choice of words, since that is exactly what I wrote when I emailed a friend about my D’s decision. I went to school in another tundra in the Midwest and still share stories about how you haven’t experience cold until you’ve spent a winter in the corn fields. :)</p>

<p>Cold? What Cold? The predicted high today is 55 degrees! Much of our snow has melted and the grass is still green. But, we are supposed to get up to 6 inches of snow on Wednesday, and for Thursday, the forecast calls for a low of 6 degrees BELOW zero.</p>

<p>Shube, Sorry for your news. My guess it was the GPA. If UW is your first choice I would appeal and explain the GPA, maybe have your GC write. I would check out the appeals process, it can’t hurt, and keep us posted!</p>

<p>Alicia- great to here your news! Welcome to Wisconsin! Don’t forget to bring a warm coat!</p>

<p>Yes 60 degrees today and Thursday is a high of 14!</p>

<p>My D was accepted today.</p>

<p>4.0 W (all honors/APs)
29 ACT
Great essay, good ECs, decorated athlete</p>

<p>She has already committed to the University of Michigan.
UW Madison is a great school in a great town!
Congratulations to all and good luck to those who are still waiting on a decision.</p>

<p>Finally got my long awaited acceptance tonight! My app has been under review since Oct 17 I was going crazy! I got accepted through the Pathways program however? I have no idea what that means. </p>

<p>Anyways stats:
Great high school
GPA 3.62 W/3.3 UW
good essay
One great rec
28 ACT
dozens of exc including three honor societies and president of national honor society
Applied computer science under College of Letters and Science</p>


<p>Pathways is an academic enrichment and support program.</p>

<p>[Pathways</a> Student Academic Services | University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“http://www.lssaa.wisc.edu/pathways/]Pathways”>http://www.lssaa.wisc.edu/pathways/)</p>

<p>Remember everyone that it does not matter which school/college/major you put on your new to college application. Acceptance is to the university as a whole, not any specific major, school or college. Hopeful engineers still need to be admitted to their major after an acceptable UW track record. All admissions are “regular”- UW does rolling admissions, no early notification et al, just getting an answer by now if you applied by November 1st. Clear admits and rejects are likely to get a faster answer than the middle majority.</p>

<p>Still have heard nothing after postponed decision from late December. Applied late September.</p>

<p>3.65 UW GPA
31 ACT
7 AP Classes
AP Scholar
Varsity Football and Baseball
Tons of Advanced/Honors Courses
Tons of EC’s and Community Service
4 Strong Letters of Recommendation</p>

<p>In-state and family alumni. Thoughts? I am speechless that we have heard nothing.</p>

<p>The student should call the admissions office (not the parent). I suggest saying something like “Hello, I am looking for information on when I may be hearing back about my postponed application. I applied in September and I was postponed in December. UW is my top choice school and I am anxious for good news. Is there anything else you need from me or anything I can provide that will help my admissions counselor make a decision? I am a Wisconsin resident and I consider myself a strong applicant.”</p>

<p>Thank you Madison85! My son had contacted the regional admissions representative from UW Madison about a month ago and was told that he should hear back from the University by March (???). He followed up with a letter to the head of admissions reiterating his interest in attending Madison, along with another strong letter of recommendation from one of his AP instructors. He will call them tomorrow…just don’t want to have him come across as “too pushy”. Madison is his top choice (although he has been accepted by 4 other schools). As an alumni with a strong family tradition of attending UW Madison, I have really been disappointed by their lack of engagement. Again, thank you…your suggestion is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Postponed will not hear back until near the end of the cycle which is March. That is clearly stated on the website. I do not know what sort of extra engagement you are expecting. The answer is the answer. You might not like it but it is what it is.</p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Applicants: Decisions - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/decisions.php]Freshman”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/decisions.php)</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_Postponed_Applicant_FAQ.pdf[/url]”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_Postponed_Applicant_FAQ.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It is my understanding that some prospects who have also had a postpone decision have already heard back after mid-term grades were submitted. Also, not sure if this is a rolling process or not? That is my expectation regarding engagement…more clarity. We have much more engagement from other in-state and out-of-state schools.</p>