Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>haha thanks. i really wanna go to michigan (its my dream school)</p>

<p>what i dont understand is - how was i waitlisted by UChicago & WUSTL (no demonstrated interest at all) but rejected from Wisconsin.</p>



<p>haha thanks. its actually a good thing my first rejection came from someplace i wasnt gonna attend anyways lol</p>

<p>It’s all good JRswish. Good luck at your other schools</p>

<p>Does anyone know if all decisions come out tonight, or is it rolling? Did you find out via portal or email?</p>

<p>i got an email telling me to check the portal</p>

<p>That’s impressive and how do you pretty much get into uchicago but get denied by madison? Now I’m feeling like I’m not gonna get in haha</p>

<p>Does anyone know when the next batch of decisions will come out? It seems like there’s been both acceptances and denials recently so I’m not losing hope yet</p>

<p>Product… I’m BA and Intend to go into business.</p>

<p>Let me know if you have any other questions!</p>

<p>Yep… When can all the decision be out?</p>

<p>Does anyone know what percentage of decisions have been posted? whether they are for in-state students only? what percentage of out-of-staters are allowed in?</p>

<p>“decisions have been posted? whether they are for in-state students only?”
i got a rejection and im international</p>

<p>I am sorry that you were rejected; I think that Madison allows only 25% of their freshman class from out-of-state, so their criteria is probably more competitive for those of us who do not live in Wisconsin.</p>

<p>oh no worries. i wasnt gonna attend anyways. besides it gives u all a better chance. best of luck!!</p>

<p>mhorvath: That seems to be a really low percentage, I know of so many kids from MN who are accepted & attending. Probably close to 20% of my son’s graduating class. </p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T769 using CC</p>

<p>You are right; Minnesota has a reciprocal agreement with Wisconsin-Madison, so they are not counted in the 25% I cited in my original message.</p>

<p>Wait so 75% of their students are from Minnesota or Wisconsin? And only 25% are out of state? That’s ridiculous. I definitely didnt get in then.</p>

<p>[UW-Madison</a> admissions myths: Applicants from outside Wisconsin are taking up spots that could go to state residents.](<a href=“http://www.news.wisc.edu/admissions/myth12.html]UW-Madison”>http://www.news.wisc.edu/admissions/myth12.html)
I found the above URL, but it is from 2006, and it confirms that 25% from outside and 75% from Minnesota and Wisconsin combined.</p>

<p>They just raised undergrad OOS limit to 27.5% this year. Wanted to go 30% but political pressures moved it down a bit. But that is for all undergrads and as most transfers are instate the freshman OOS rate will likely be over 30%. Fall 2012 was over 30%.</p>

<p>Yeah I’d say that makes it extremely harder for someone out of state to get in. I’m gonna count my losses now lol.</p>

<p>Well, thank you, that gives me hope for my son.</p>

<p>I just got into the business school as a direct admit freshman. Very happy!</p>

<p>@N1234l by direct admit do you mean you weren’t postponed?</p>

<p>I called my rep the other day and she told me that all the postponed admits will hear at the end of the month.</p>

<p>Also has anyone from environmental science heard anything?</p>