Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>I mean I was accepted into the school in January and applied Into the business school and was accepted as a freshman</p>

<p>Congrats, that is uber selective.</p>

<p>I’ll say! Congratulations N1234!</p>

<p>Thanks. I did not think I would get it. Very lucky.</p>


<p>I am a out-of-state applicant who applied to Madison on January. When will Madison release the decision result?</p>


<p>I’m assuming within the next few days.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as you mansu haha. The wait is unbearable!!</p>

<p>They don’t send out any decisions on Saturday or Sunday do they? I just wanna know so I’m not checking my email all weekend haha.</p>

<p>Any postponed students find out today?</p>

<p>The wait is killing me :(</p>

<p>I’m an international. I’ve got low SAT scores (1770) but good grades through grade 9 to 12 and great teacher recommendations and tons of diverse and good ECs. I do British A Levels and I’ve been predicted with 4A*s. How tough is it for international students anyways? How will I fair out?</p>

<p>Still waiting for my email
Here’s my stats:
33 ACT
About 3.5 UW (mostly B’s in honors clsses, A’s in AP - weird I know, like 3 C’s total)
About 4.0 W
Taking 6 AP Classes as a senior, took 1 AP freshman and 1 sophomore year, 3 junior year.
All other classes have been honors, most rigorous curriculum my school offers.
Few extra curriculars, lots of volunteering, have had 2 jobs since junior year, working 22 hrs/wk senior year
NHS, AP Scholar w/ Distinction, honor roll and stuff.
Good teacher recs.</p>

<p>You guys think I have a decent chance?</p>

<p>I’d say more than a decent chance. Why wouldn’t you get in?</p>

<p>I figured that the 3 C’s, relatively low UW GPA, and the 3 C’s might hurt. Hopefully the rigorous courses and ACT score make up for it.</p>

<p>Is anyone still waiting too? </p>

<p>I got some “motivational/advertisement” lette/card from Wisconsin and I almost freaked out. xD</p>


<p>also waiting… its worse when there is no definite date…</p>

<p>Also waiting here… Assuming that I’ll get a notification in a few days. I’m expecting either waitlist or rejection, since this school is a reach for me. I also do not have strong grades or standardized test scores. However, this school is my first choice and I really want to get in…
Anyway, here’s my stat:</p>

<p>International applicant from Colorado with relatively strong upward case (3.3/3.6/3.9)
GPA 3.6 UW top 30% in class
ACT 24
TOEFL 94</p>

<p>2 great recommendations from my math (also my soccer coach) and English teachers</p>

<p>Great essays (Proof read by 2 American former writers and my friends from Johns Hopkins and London School of Economics and Political Science. Help and advice from my friends from UC Berkeley, Colombia, and Brown. Mainly focused on my leadership.)</p>

<p>3 years of soccer with 1 year of varsity and 2 years of track with 1 year of varsity (because of the stupid school/district rule saying that international students can only play 1 year of varsity) / 2 years of yearbook / 3 years of bassist/photographer at my church (huge church) / Guatemala mission trip / 2 years of helping homeless with my friends / Red Cross first aid license / 2 years of ski club leader / a few (like 2 or 3) honors / and more…</p>

<p>I probably had 1 honor class. I know I didn’t take any AP class, but it’s because my school is a small Christian private school (about 240 kids) so we don’t really have many AP classes (ones we have are like AP lang, AP lit, AP science, and etc. they would make my GPA like 2.0) and basically I have been learning English for like 3 and a half years now.</p>

<p>Yea I know my grades aren’t good at all, but I saw some people getting in with relatively low grades… Do you guys think there’s any chance of me getting in?</p>

<p>Rsh me and you are in the same boat except I just have a little lower GPa but a higher ACT haha. I have hope in us!! Haha</p>

<p>Thounder and Rsh. I also am in the same boat.</p>