Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>Hey guys. This thread is for 2013 Fall admission. There is another thread “Acceptance” for 2014 admission.</p>

<p>Gee,I’m beginning to wonder why they call this “Higher Education.”
If these bright minds can’t even make a deadline
and let us poor kids find out if we’re in or out of a college, then maybe we shouldn’t even apply there.</p>

<p>The reply target date is not even close yet. Silly and completely inaccurate comment Spartan</p>

<p>First Fall Notification Apply by November 1 Decision by End of January</p>

<p>Spartanpotato would appear to be a Spring transfer applicant, in which case the notification deadline would be the end of December.</p>

<p>Wait listed from Chicago suburbs
ACT: 32
GPA: 3.8/4.-5
EC: 4 year athlete and very involved in student government and DECA as well as founding my own charity</p>