Fall 2013 Freshman classes

<p>Looking for feedback on the classes D’13 is considering in the Fall, all of her core except Natural Science are finished. Se is a Marine Sci/Bio major and will likely add a minor.</p>

<p>Bio 118 & Lab 4cr
Chem 101 & Lab 4cr
Soccer or Weightlifting 1Cr
UH 155- Judicial Procedures 3r
UH 105- Mentoring-Probably Elementary Reading 3cr
UH 120 Photog I 3cr although we understand this isn’t likely and it would require a different mentoring section</p>

<p>how many hours is this? i think that looks a little light. the UH classes (in my experience) are interesting, but not a lot of work, so i think she would have room for a third non honors seminar type class.</p>

<p>does she need a fine arts credit or humanities class?</p>

<p>Mike W it is 15 credit hours with out the UH Photog class and no she does not need any other seminar classes. The only other classes she could add would be Physics or Geo and trying to do 3 lab classes might be too much her first semester. Plus she needs to spread it out of she will be out of Bama in two years.</p>

<p>As listed, this is 18 credit hours, so doesn’t appear light to me! The 2 sci labs really eat into it, with total of 8 of the 18 hours.
Is your D a current Freshman, or incoming Freshman? The reason I ask is that the mentoring 105 class will probably (from what I’ve heard) require own transportation to/from the location you’re mentoring at - this could be public transport, own transport, or carpool, but it is a requirement to be able to get to a more distant location. (Mentoring hours are in addition to class hours.) Yeah, you can probably write off getting into Photography, so having a back-up plan is useful. Are there no other science classes to take?</p>

<p>Also, since your reply, curious why you think she would be done in just 2 years. There are more credits to be had than the 72 listed for Marine degree, surely!? I think you need a total of 120 to graduate. Is she AP-ing out of Calc? That will determine the Physics she takes.</p>

<p>Longsx3: Even if your daughter is coming into Bama with AP and dual enrollment credits which would enable her to graduate early. Why would she? If she is on a scholarship, she is entitled to eight semesters. Why not explore different areas of interest, a second minor or major even? You don’t have to take a lighter load to stretch it out to four years, she could take a regular or even a heavy load some semesters and have fun with different classes she might never have thought to have taken.</p>

<p>Wanted to add, D will be a new Freshman in the fall and she is on scholarship as well as using her Dad’s GIBill .</p>

<p>That doesn’t look like a light load to me, either! My D took a Kinesiology class first semester freshman year (though not one of the two your D is considering) and I think she enjoyed it. Be aware that it’s a two hour a week class for that one credit, though. And I think you’re right about the photography class - that one fills up pretty quickly.</p>

<p>i wasn’t paying attention to the credit hours listed. so, no, 15 hrs is not a light load. i still think that the 6 hrs of honors classes will have a light workload, though.</p>

<p>but, hey, that’s ok. no need to kill yourself the first semester!</p>

<p>You mention that she will probably add a minor, does she have any idea in what area yet? Perhaps taking a class toward the minor in place of the photography class (which I ditto there is LITTLE chance she will get into) would be a good idea.</p>

<p>My S came in with credit for the freshman composition classes, so instead of taking those he has taken a 300 level Spanish class each semester since he’s intending on a Spanish minor. It’s worked out very well and going into sophomore year he only has 3 more Spanish classes to take to complete the minor so just 1 per year to fit into his schedule.</p>

<p>If there’s a particular area she’s considering minoring in, I’d look at those requirements and try to pick up one of those classes, with bio and chem, I’d avoid any other science/lab courses.</p>

<p>beth’s Mom- D is aware that it is too hours, she loves soccer bus has not played for a while. I think it will help her get back to being athletic and it iwll help her getting talking to classmates.</p>

<p>Mike W you are right I don’t think at 15 hours and with the classes she has chosen it will be challenging but I think the mentoring class will require time outside of class and hopefully the lighter work load will allow D to get involved on campus.</p>

<p>jrcsmom she will be pre law and is considering adding psych as a minor but still is not sure, she may decide to add Chem as minor but wants to see how she likes Chem 101 class.</p>