Freshman class advice

4 natural science hours with 2 of them being lab- easiest option? I’m thinking either AY 102 or GY 101
3 hours of literature (even though I come in with AP lit and lang they don’t have the L designation)- easiest option?
3 hours of fine arts- easiest option?
3 hours of computer science-easiest option? Test out of CS 102?

Thank you for any wisdom you may have! P.S. Is it possible to fulfill the lit or fine arts abroad? I assume you just have to talk to study abroad and fine a course that transfers well?

What is your major? That might dictate the C-designated class you take.

My D had AP credit for Enviro and took her other science at our local CC before starting at Bama, so has no personal experience, but I’ve heard from many that GY 101 is a fairly easy class. GY 102, GEO 101 and 102 and AY are supposed to be OK, too. I’d just avoid the Bio, Chem and Physics classes that pre-meds, nursing majors and the like are taking.

For literature, choose the type and period of literature that most interests you. I don’t think any of them are signicantly easier than the others. My D took American Lit 2 and enjoyed it.

My D took Intro to Listening (MUS 121) and thought it was pretty easy. There are honors FA courses that are popular, too, like Arts of Tuscaloosa. Both of those classes involve outside of class events.

IIRC, the UA in Oxford study abroad had both literature and fine arts courses available.

I noticed in another post that your daughter will be a finance major. Her C-designated course requirements will be fulfilled through classes she has to take for her major (ST 260 and FI 389). Have her test out of CS 102.

it possible to fulfill the lit or fine arts abroad

Probably…look at the Summer Abroad …Alabama at Oxford. Were you interested in doing a semester abroad…or a summer abroad?

@“beth’s mom” Thank you for that info! Yes she will be a finance major. How do you test out of CS 102 and is it something she should study for? Do we need to do this before Bama Bound? @mom2collegekids I think she is looking to spend a summer abroad. We will look into Alabama at Oxford. Thank you!

For science, avoid Chem, Bio, Physics. Like someone else said, those are weed-out classes for pre-meds, not a fun place to be.

For computer science, I would not recommend testing out of CS 102 if you only need 3 credits. To my knowledge by testing out, one has to take a higher level class to get credit for that higher level class AND CS 102. Might as well just take CS 102 and get an easy A if one only needs 3 credits of CS. HOWEVER- I’m not quite sure how it works with finance majors. If she is required to take the classes within the major anyway for CS credit- testing out might be good.

As for fine arts and literature- I would say just pick something that looks interesting but be sure to check out Ratemyprofessor, the professor will be the most important thing in those classes. If you REALLY want an easy A, consider a class taught by a grad student. You should be able to check their names on each department’s home page and cross-reference that with what you see on MYBama.

Info on CS 102:

The finance major will include 2 additional C-designated classes on top of CS 102, so CS 102 would be on top of that if she chooses to take it.

Here’s the problem regarding CS102; not sure how many students/parents understand: CS102 does NOT carry the C designation, and therefore doesn’t fulfill any of the 6 hours of C requirements needed for B-school. You can search for Core Requirement fulfilling courses on the UA Registrar’s page:

The confusing part is that CS102 is a prerequisite for other C designated courses, so it is essentially a “mandatory elective”. Alternatively, the student can take the CS Placement test (which offers NO credit, by the way, only placement), and avoid using an elective on that course.

The catalog is somewhat clear on the degree requirements for the B-school:
Foreign Language or Computer Language: Two semesters (six to eight hours) of foreign language credit (designated FL) or two semesters of C-designated computer language courses (six hours). This requirement will be satisfied by completing ST 260 Statistical Data Analysis and one additional C-designated course; some majors require a specific course to complete this requirement. See departmental sections for details.

I know that the OM major requires a specific C course to complete the 6 hours, but not sure about Finance. FI389 is a C course, but isn’t specified as being a required class for that major. In seems that taking the placement test really depends on the student and whether they would rather have the elective to use for another course, or have a pretty easy ‘A’ the first semester by taking the class.

FI389 is required for both Finance and Economics majors and is the course (on top of ST260) that will complete the C-designation requirement for Finance majors. 2016BamaDad is correct that CS102 does not count as a C-designated class, and would just go into the General Elective category. My daughter didn’t take CS102, so I don’t know if it’s an easy A or not.

I can speak to the online version of CS102… my son (still a senior in HS) is taking it, and would call it an easy A. He expects to finish with an A+, in fact, and while it’s not a C-designated course, it’s a good review/exploration of the MS Office suite. If your child is a computer whiz, don’t bother, but for anyone who wants to fill in some elective credits, it’s been useful and easy.