Fall 2013 Incoming Freshman Housing Application?

<p>We went to DD’s myBama to see if the housing application was available. It appeared to be enabled but when I proceeded, there is a message basically stating that transfer students and current UA students are not guaranteed housing for Fall 2013. DD will be a new freshman, not a transfer. </p>

<p>However, I checked and they have applied her AP credits so her transcript shows that she has 16 credits. Surely this has happened to incoming freshmen before and they wouldn’t consider AP credits the same as a transfer student, right? </p>

<p>I’m wondering if anyone else has the same message (maybe it’s a generic message because the housing application is not live yet?) Any suggestions from any of the experienced UA CC people would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Sorry, I’m new and in a bit of a panic…</p>

<p>Incoming freshmen are guaranteed housing as they are required to live on campus, with exceptions for local students commuting from home. One is not exempt from the first year housing and meal plan requirement despite having X amount of credits that might make them a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior unless they are transfer students, which your D is not as she did not attend another college/university after high school graduation. However, students can attend another college/university as a non-degree student during the summer between high school graduation and starting UA and not be classified by UA as a transfer student.</p>

<p>We are getting the same message. We cannot sign up for housing either.</p>

<p>I received the same message but I am a transfer student. </p>

<p>The housing website said there should be housing available for spring 2013 transfer students and students who currently live off campus. So it’s possible that the message about no housing is available may be generic. Also, I called housing around mid September and informed me that indeed housing deposits will go live on October 1st. If the message continues to appear I am going to give them a call and report back to here.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses. I am hoping that perhaps the myBama message will change after 8:00am and that it’s just a place-holder until it goes live. It just really had me concerned that the computer might think that my DD is a transfer student and therefore not allow her to pay the housing deposit on Oct. 1. I know freshmen are guaranteed housing, we just want to make sure that she gets the deposit done immediately to get a first selection at housing and not have to use precious time straightening out any mix-ups on transfer status.</p>

<p>Just checked at 5:30 am and same message is posted. Looking at the Housing Dept posts from last year, 8:00 am was when the application went live for 2011-12. </p>

<p>I’m relieved to see I’m not the only one anxious to complete this next step. I guess we should all be grateful that UA makes this process so easy.</p>

<p>We have the same message… will keep checking this morning.</p>

<p>Site is up and running.</p>

<p>Everything works now, application and payment are both live</p>

<p>Yes, completed it for my DD.</p>

<p>Please tell me about proxy code… Do I change it now, like a password to something we will remember??? Do I just leave it all alone now until later when/if she meets someone to be a roommate? At this time, DD doesn’t know anyone else applying to Alabama.</p>

<p>Many thanks!</p>

<p>That’s a relief! All is well. Thanks everyone…</p>

<p>I was able to complete application and make credit card payment, but have received the “processing, please wait” message for well over 30 min now. Anyone else having trouble?</p>

<p>spacecoast: My transaction processed quickly just over an hour ago. Maybe the system is busier now?</p>

<p>Hi Everyone my daughter has also been accepted for Fall of 2013 as a Freshman. We made our housing deposit this morning with no issues.</p>

<p>From what I understand this does not have to be changed unless he/she feels it needs to for security reasons. Like if he/she shared it with someone he/she wanted to room with but then changed his/her mind and did not want her account info used by anyone else.</p>

<p>Can we make the housing deposit without the enrollment deposit and still get our place in line for selection?</p>

<p>I am 99% sure you must pay enrollment deposit first</p>

<p>^^Correct. The enrollment deposit must be paid first.</p>

<p>See this link for a complete understanding of the process:</p>

<p><a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/new_students/apply.cfm[/url]”>http://housing.ua.edu/new_students/apply.cfm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Ok. Thanks. So that brings up a few more questions.</p>

<li> Is the deposit refunded if he changes his mind?</li>
<li> If we pay the deposit I believe that means he has accepted the presidential scholarship and is committed to attend?<br></li>

<p>Bama is his first choice but its early on the process. I have learned with my older daughter who is was very committed to a certain school only to change her mind a few weeks before the deadline. We have visited all four schools that he is interested in and Bama was his favorite. We will hear from the other 3 schools by mid December. I would hate to pay the deposit and back out but I also would like him to get a housing time slot. He has been accepted to honors and just got the invite to apply for UFE</p>

<p>The enrollment deposit is non-refundable, but up to $225 of the $250 Housing deposit IS refundable as long as you follow the guidelines listed on the Housing site.</p>

<p>No, making the deposits has nothing to do with accepting the scholarships. He won’t have an opportunity to accept the scholarships until around March. Paying the deposits does not commit him to attend the UA.</p>