Fall 2013 Transfer Thread - Engineering Edition

<p>I contacted the pete dpartment again yesterday, the lady said to expect decisions from may 6th through may 12th.</p>

<p>Also I’m not sure if I heard correctly or if a she gave me wrong information, but she said they are expecting to accept around 20 applicants this semester, hope is fading away…</p>

<p>I don’t know what and when to expect my decision. Hope the best for y’all.</p>

<p>They woulddddd give u a freakin decision 1 week before summer classes start. I already despise this school just from this. Seriously, we gotta hunt for dorms/apt enroll in class and its all dependent on their decision. Already takin a back row to this process… then all the dorm, apt, classes filled up. They should start by denying ppl from the get-go. Giving us false hope with 3.6ish waiting like 4 months just to deny u. Sorry venting.</p>

<p>It is May now. I already finished all my finals. I am assuming they need my Spring Transcript. GOOD LUCK GUYS.</p>

<p>I’m wondering… being this late … is the program not full by now for those of us still waiting? It’s like 4 month in since they took applications. Been trying to call PetE dept., but no answer.</p>

<p>I tried to call PETE dept today, but no answer too. Maybe, they are really busy since this is final week. I wish they could give us the results earlier though.</p>

<p>Got denied for UT austin, wish I could hear something from a&m even if it is rejection</p>

<p>That’s harsh… 3.87 and rejected… @look… So have u been accepted anywhere yet?</p>

<p>I called and they said it was due to being out of state, it’s fine though I had no plans of attending there, honestly I think I’ll just stay in tech, I’m doing pretty good here, I gotta decide by may 15th</p>

<p>I called a&m on Friday. The lady said that the petroleum eng department had just sent a grid containing 130 names to her (my name was there). However, she did not know what was this grid for! She was trying to help, but the petroleum eng department is for some reason behind on schedule this year.</p>

<p>I wonder if they got caller id? Called 4x today and all goes to voicemail.
@aheng lol what’s ur GPA, and u actually told the lady to skim for ur name on grid?</p>

<p>Im gonna try calling tomorrow and ask for my name.</p>

<p>I am thinking that I will call her tomorrow.</p>

<p>LOL@ SobeGreen. My GPA is 3.95 (one B in introduction to theater) lol. I did not ask if my name was there, but she noticed my name there.</p>

<p>The grid seems to be a bright spot in this waiting game then. And your name is in a great spot. lol I envy you my friend. Actually… how many credit hours?</p>

<p>My application got turned in in january (ECEN) and my transcript was processed on feb 15. I really attend to go to Texas A&M. I during the fall of last year, I spoke with an admission counselor about how competitive my application would be whenever I send it in, and he told me that I was going to be initially rejected, and they probably might request my spring grades (i felt so bad). This spring also, during a PTK convention, I spoke with another admission counselor(female). After asking about what classes I was enrolled in, and the classes I had taken, she “assured” me that I was going to be rejected. I actually gave up hope, but I prayed a little, and talked to my advisor about it. 4 days later, I got admitted. I discovered that the admission counselors either didnt know what they were saying, or I was just lucky, or it was God’s grace. I have a friend who applied to PETE, but got rejected. Another friend of mine with I think a 3.8 (over 100hrs) applied to their liberal arts school and got rejected. Its really difficult to get in, and I think the delay is just too much for u guys, but goodluck, and keep believing. Just don’t pay so much attention to what the counselor’s say; they really don’t have the authority</p>

<p>I contacted the lady at the pete department just now, she said bryan maggard is done making the decisions, they’re just processing them right now. She also said they are accepting 15 people this semester, and we SHOULD hear by friday</p>

<p>Good to hear back the specific date. I hope we are among those 15 admitted people. Thanks Lookbehindyou for your information.</p>

<p>I just got off the phone too with Mrs Krueger. Of that grid, the 130 students are the transfer applicants, I thought there would be more. She just gave me Dr maggard #. Really dumbfounded that they’re only taking in 15 ppl.</p>

<p>I hope they still consider me for PetE. I’m on spring review and just getting done with my finals. I still got to overnight my transcript to admissions. Back in Feb I went to their aggieland saturday event and spoke to the PetE department. They said not many transfer students are admitted. Current PetE student told me it took them up to 3 years just to get in. They waited a long time.</p>

<p>How does it work if we get accepted to A&M as 2nd major for Fall '13, can we change major to PetE for Spring '14?</p>