Fall 2014 transfers?

<p>HS GPA: 3.4 (private school)
SAT: 2000 (CR: 640, Math: 710)
3 AP courses and 2 honors courses
Varsity Ice Hockey (captain my junior and senior years)
participated in several mentoring and tutoring programs through high school</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.2 after first semester (private liberal arts college in the northeast)
not sure how many credits I have, took 4 courses last semester and am taking 4 again this semester (my current college counts each course as 1 credit)
joined a few clubs at my current college but I’m not really that involved in any of them</p>

<p>could anyone tell me my chances?</p>

<p>Anyone hear back yet? or know dates when last year transfers heard back?</p>

<p>I was looking back through the 2012 transfers and it looked like they heard back from as early as February til mid March and the ones that got postponed waited until end of April to beginning of May. I haven’t received any new updates on mine though yet.</p>

<p>Accepted as of yesterday February 22nd. Can’t wait to be a badger. </p>


<p>applying to University of Miami now!!!</p>

<p>@masint when did you apply?</p>

<p>I applied Jan 10th</p>

<p>Accepted 2/21! </p>

<p>OOS from a community college in IL</p>

<p>HS GPA: 3.26 UW 3.35 W
College GPA: 3.88
Credits Completed: 49+14 this semester
Intended Major: Psychology</p>

<p>Activities; PTK, psi beta (treasurer), student senate, student affairs committee (chair), some volunteering
HS Activities: Soccer, community service club, marching band</p>

<p>Work Experience: Worked at a grocery store and sales associate at a clothing store</p>

<p>Personal Statements: strong</p>

<p>2 great letters of recommendation</p>

<p>Applied 1/7/14</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone applying!</p>

<p>Congratulations! As an international student I have a feeling I’ll be hearing back later than most. Fingers crossed to everyone here :)</p>

<p>3.15 HS
3.5 UW</p>

<p>Many extracurriculars, Business club, business fraternity (founding father), active with community service, club ultimate frisbee</p>

<p>Strong personal statements</p>

<p>One strong Letter of Recommendation</p>

<p>Materials confirmed to have been received in the second week of Feburary. Applied End of January</p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone!!!</p>

<p>rybi23 can i ask how many credits you have?</p>

<p>@anoni76 I will have 30 credits at the end of the semester, only 15 completed now</p>

<p>Alright nice, we’re in the same boat then! Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Thanks, you too!</p>

<p>College grade trend:
1st semester GPA: 1.7 (Don’t ask, i explained thoroughly what happened in essay)
2nd semester GPA: 3.2
3rd semester GPA:3.4
4th (winterim, one class): 4.0</p>

<p>One strong letter of recommendation and one (not-so-strong) letter of recommendation.</p>

<p>Application received: Jan 4
College transcripts (without winterim grades) received: Jan 18
College transcripts (with winterim grades, professor took forever to input grades) received: Jan 30</p>

<p>When should I expect to hear back? After reading this thread, I don’t think I’m going to make it. Most of you have an upper 3 GPA (both HS and college) and are stressing out… :/</p>

<p>edit: Some of you have “no financial aid” as a strength. Probably an obvious answer, but is that really a strength (from admissions office point of view)? </p>

<p>edit 2: All of you have community service hours, my current academic adviser said community service doesn’t really matter on transfer applications. Wow</p>

<p>edit 3: Yeah, definitely not going to get in. I was delusional. Better start applying other places. </p>

<p>Well what is your overall cumulative GPA?</p>


<p>I went to one of the “potential transfer student information” sessions and met with a UW adviser. She said that getting accepted was definitely possible, but of course she was supposed to say that. </p>

<p>@Jimmyboy123 how many college credits do you have?</p>

<p>Looking at everyone’s college gpa’s are making me a little nervous… mine is lower than most I feel like.</p>

<p>I’m hoping to transfer as a freshman (going to be sophomore) from UW Oshkosh.</p>

<p>High school GPA: 3.45
ACT: 24</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.24 (I know that I can raise it with my second semester grades)
Credits: Took 13 last semester and 15 this semester (6 from AP)</p>

<p>All my application materials are in and I am waiting… everything says it is received and that the application is being reviewed by an admissions counselor. I didn’t apply until around January 14th. </p>

<p>I have heard from people that being above a 3.0 in a UW school gives you a very good chance… But I know I am below the 3.4 average for transfers which makes me a little nervous.</p>