Fall Break 2011 airport shuttle

<p>I’m trying to figure out a schedule that works with available flights and the shuttle for fall break. The earliest shuttle on the Thursday is at 1pm. Will there be any classes that day? Then there is another shuttle on Friday at 8am. Does that mean the kids don’t have to be out of their dorms before then? A four day weekend with two full days of travel seems barely worth the bother, but I will be dying to see her!</p>

<p>I’m always confused about fall break, too. It was kind of tricky last year, too, with a football glitch taking away one of the days.</p>

<p>Would love some clarification on when exactly there are no classes, so that I can book a shuttle and flight for son as well.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help from the veterans on here!</p>

<p>There will not be any classes on that Thursday or Friday (October 27 and 28). As for the dorms, they remain open during fall break. My son spent his freshman fall break in his dorm. Did his laundry. Got plenty of sleep. Cleaned his suite. The campus was very quiet.</p>

<p>I don’t understand why there isn’t an early morning shuttle so that the students can take full advantage of Thursday. We booked a flight for late Wednesday night, but aren’t sure yet how our son will get to the airport.</p>

<p>my kid will be going to the airport on wednesday. not sure what time. 2ish, i think.</p>

<p>it is really not that hard to find a ride to the airport with another kid. mine has taken other kids and even ridden with someone else (even though she has a car) to save on parking. they usually just split the costs.</p>

<p>Are any of the dining halls open during fall break?</p>

<p>The dining halls are usually closed over fall break, but most off-campus restaurants are open. The Monday after Fall Break is Halloween, so I’d assume that there will be a good amount of students in and around campus that weekend.</p>

<p>^^ Thank you Sea_Tide. I will be sending some cookware with my D. </p>

<p>Would you say that half or more of the live-in student body leave for fall break? </p>

<p>Are the dorms open Thanksgiving?<br>
Are the dining halls are closed for Thanksgiving?</p>

<p>Less than half of the live-in students will be on campus during fall break as most students are relatively close to their hometowns.</p>

<p>Dorms are open over Thanksgiving and closed over Semester Break and Spring Break, though there is limited housing available for those students are on campus when most dorms are closed. Very few students stay for Thanksgiving unless there is a home football game that Friday. I’ve stayed the past two years and enjoyed the quietness of campus. I found cheap airfare home this year, so I won’t be on campus for Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Thank you again Sea_Tide. We will get D for T-day.</p>

<p>I wish they would do away with Fall break and give entire week off for Thanksgiving. With number of OOS it makes more sense.</p>

<p>^ Agreed with that.</p>

<p>I’m planning on staying on campus for both fall and Thanksgiving break. One of my roommates and I decided to save the cost of a flight/gas money to go home and put it toward a trip to the Iron Bowl (still not sure whether we’ll actually buy a ticket or just go over and tailgate).</p>