fall freshman orientation and timing

<p>D was just admitted to UP for summer 2009. We have info on the summer dates - June 28 - August 14/15 but nothing on Fall, which I think starts on August 21st. Does anyone know if there is an orientation prior to start of classes and if there is an official Freshman move-in day? As it stands, it appears there is a one week hiatus where we would move her out and then drive back to move her in. Can anyone help? Thanks.</p>

<p>Here is the link to Welcome Week for the fall of 2009. Hope it helps.</p>

<p>[Welcome</a> Week](<a href=“http://www.welcomeweek.psu.edu/UP/fall.shtml]Welcome”>http://www.welcomeweek.psu.edu/UP/fall.shtml)</p>

<p>Yes, last year our son had a week break between the end of summer semester and the start of fall. There really isn’t an orientation beforehand, but they have a lot of RAs and mentors hanging around on move-in day to answer questions. </p>

<p>They do have some areas where you can store stuff on campus between semesters. However, they don’t want you leaving electronics or other expensive stuff. </p>

<p>Also, she won’t have the same room (and most likely won’t even be in the same dorm) in fall as she had in summer.</p>

<p>Thans everyone. Very helpful. Is there also an orientation type summer outdoor program? Probably the summer kids would’t be able to participate but just wondering if there was one last year.</p>

<p>Yes! My S did Orion last year. There are 4 one week wilderness-type orientation sessions. My S did the last one last year that took him right up until move-in day. It was a great experience for him and allowed him to make some new friends before he actually started. Check it out here: [Shaver’s</a> Creek - ORION](<a href=“http://www.outreach.psu.edu/shaverscreek/index-orion.html]Shaver’s”>http://www.outreach.psu.edu/shaverscreek/index-orion.html)</p>