I applied in early April for Fall 2015. I know that I should receive a decision soon, maybe within the next two weeks. I guess I’m just getting nervous!
I would greatly appreciate it if people could post if/when they heard a decision, and if they feel comfortable, their stats! Thanks 
My stats-
GPA- 4.0 (unweighted)
SAT- 1960
I applied early-mid March to the School of International Service and got my acceptance this morning. I will not be attending however as it would be extremely financially irresponsible for me to do so.
My stats-
MDC- Honors College graduate.
A.A. degree w/distinguished honors distinction (72 credits).
GPA- 3.63
Test scores- irrelevant as a transfer.
Killer common app essay
meh rec. Letters
decent E.C.'s
I made it clear in my app that I speak 3 languages since I want to major in I.R.
Thanks for replying. @PhatMusicGuy
Despite the fact you are unable to attend, congrats on your acceptance!
Just curious, how did you receive your acceptance letter? i.e. Big White envelope, email, etc.?
Also–3 languages! WOW haha
I also applied for transfer admission in early April and got my acceptance letter on May 4th in the mail.
My stats:
A.A degree, 65 credits earned
3.23 GPA
1720 SAT
excellent recommendation letters and okay E.C.'s
I’m not sure if I’m planning to attend yet, but if I do I hope to see you there! Good luck!
@teamtransfer Congratulations and good luck to your future endeavors. Crossing my fingers that I got in! I tried to show a lot of demonstrated interest 
@unicorn54 Thank you. I received my letter in one of those cliché big white envelopes. The 3 languages are not as impressive as they sound; I grew up in a bilingual household so really only one of the 3 is learned.
Recent news, everybody–I will not receive a decision from them until my final grades become available! This makes sense being that I am a first semester freshman. Will update this post later.
AU only gave me 15k in scholarship money. I have a 3.92 cumulative GPA, my mom is a single parent and we have low family income. Its a shame how these filthy rich schools dish out money from students.
@teamtransfer would you mind telling me a bit more about your stats, either on here or in a pm if you’re more comfortable with that? I’m applying to AU and my GPA is looking to be right about where yours was. Did the GPA do enough or did you really have to impress them with other aspects? Anything you can tell me helps! If you don’t want to share that information, no worries!